Teknik Pembuatan Gugatan pada Kasus Sengketa Tanah dalam Kegiatan Magang

  • Nila Najikha Unisbank
  • Wenny Megawati Unisbank
  • Rochmani Rochmani Universitas Stikubank


Internship is one of the courses that must be completed by every student as a way of preparing themselves to become work-ready Human Resources. The purpose of the internship is to develop students' ways of thinking so that they can develop their own abilities more quickly and gain work experience in applying the theory they get in the academic world. One of the relevant agencies for law faculty internships to be carried out is the Advocate Office. This community service journal was prepared with the aim of being the output of the author's post-apprenticeship at the Law Office/Advocate. Implementation method carried out by the author using empirical methods or real experience in the field. As a result of the internship at the Advocate Office, the author gains experience in many ways related to Advocate duties, in particular the technique of making lawsuits in land dispute cases.
