Program Studi Keuangan Dan Perbankan En



In this study program you will study administration as well as finance and banking, including studying various types of financial products, how to manage important documents, how to assess company performance, managing banking management. Here we will also gain a lot of knowledge about various financial institutions in Indonesia.


Have practical skills regarding types of banking and financial services products and procedures, banking accounting, bank credit management, fund and treasury management, financial planning and financial management, money markets and capital markets, investment and portfolio management, business and banking risk management and insurance.
Have the skills to operate banking and financial software and be able to use digitized banking and financial transaction technology

Total credits: 116

Length of Study: 6 Semesters

Featured Courses:

Practical Introduction to Accounting,

Bank Operational Practicum,

Bank Managerial Practicum,

Financial Institution Administration Practicum,

Tax Practicum.

  • Dr. Sri Nawatmi, S.E., M.Si with expertise in Macro Economics;
  • Nur Aini, S.E., M.Si., Ak., with expertise in the field of Financial Management;
  • Ali Maskur, S.E., M.Kom., with expertise in the field of Marketing Management;
  • Mulyo Budi Setiawan, S.E., M.M., with expertise in the field of Marketing Management;
  • Ignatius Hari Santoso, S.E., M.Sc., with expertise in the field of Management Information Systems;
  • Widhian Hardiyanti, S.M.B., M.M., with expertise in the field of ManagementKeuangan.

Funding and Services Staff,

Banking Operations Staff,

Treasury Operations Staff,

Assistant Account Officer (AO)
Assistant Financial Analyst/Finance Professional

Financial Operations and Insurance Staff.


