Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi En



Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi has been producing quality accountants since 2006. Chartered Accountant (CA) has international accountant status.

Registered Accountants who have obtained permission from the Minister to provide accounting services to the public through the Accounting Services Office (KJA).

Supported by flexible classes (online) and comfortable learning facilities (workspace, food court, locker, refresh room)


  1. Competence   in   managing   reporting   systems that produce financial reports and other reports of high   value in accordance with the principles of governance, professional ethics and integrity.
  2. Competence in making business decisions by considering the dynamics of the global business environment.

Length of Study: 2 Semesters

The curriculum in accordance with IAI has competencies in Corporate Reporting, Audit & Assurance, Advanced Financial Management, Strategic Management and Leadership, Tax Management, Information Systems & Internal Control, Advanced Management Accounting, Investigative Audit, and Professional Ethics & Governance.

Another advantage is being able to take CA certification and CPA certification as well as the opportunity to get a waiver from IAI and an IAPI waiver.

Lecturers with doctoral degrees and experienced practitioners.

