Equipping New Students, Unisbank Holds Digital Generation Mental Health Public Lecture

Universitas Stikubank  (UNISBANK) held a Public Lecture to equip new students, Thursday (21/09) at the Sasana Kridangga Building, 9th Floor, Unisbank Kendeng. This activity was held to familiarize students with the academic and entrepreneurial atmosphere of Unisbank. The Public Lecture was held with the theme The Role of Social Media for Mental Health of the Digital Generation.

The public lecture presented guest speaker Dr. Hendi Pratama, a lecturer, education transformation coach and founder of EDUTRANS.ID. Dr. Hendi Pratama has been a lecturer for dozens of years and has held several leadership positions at Semarang State University. Dr Hendi is also very active on social media to create content about educational transformation with quite a large number of followers on Instagram (133K) and Tiktok (300K).

At the Public Lecture on the Role of Social Media for Mental Health of the Digital Generation organized by Stikubank University (UNISBANK), Dr Hendi invited participants to use Social Media in a healthy and productive manner. One of them is for personal branding. According to him, personal branding on social media is saving reputation for oneself, which makes people more remembered, chosen and specialised. To make this happen, you can create, preach, market, deliver and increase your own value.

Apart from mental health, public lectures also provide information to students about the Achievement Credit System (SKP) guidelines. In order to carry out the process of managing education, research and community service in a quality, sustainable and accountable manner, Unisbank has established the Achievement Credit System (SKP) Guidelines as one of the graduation requirements. The Achievement Credit System (SKP) guidelines contain information regarding student activities, leadership, collaboration and student communication, providing recognition and/or awards for learning activities and student achievements outside of curricular activities.

To enliven the event, this activity also featured dance acts from Unisbank students and Majesty Entertainment to entertain the public lecture participants. Students are also given the opportunity to showcase their business products in the Unisbank Merchandise Corner (MCU).
