Sarjana Terapan (D4) Teknologi Rekayasa Multimedia Grafis

(Graphic Multimedia Engineering Technology)

The Bachelor of Applied Graphic Multimedia Engineering Technology program equips students with basic knowledge of graphic multimedia and its components in the form of text, images, audio, video and animation which includes pre-production, production, post-production, as well as compression and distribution formats.


In this program, students will be given basic knowledge of graphic multimedia and its components in the form of text, image, audio, video and animation which includes pre-production, production, post-production, as well as compression and distribution formats. Mastery of techniques and principles of computer modeling and animation of 3-dimensional expressions and conversations. If you have an interest in multimedia graphics, this program is very suitable to choose.

Total credits: 148

Length of Study: 8 Semesters

Featured Courses:

1. Graphic & Multimedia Interactive Design
2. Animator & Videographer
3. Web & Game Designer
4. Content Creator & Social Media Specialist

Lecturers have Masters and Doctoral degrees and have professional certification.

1. Grafik Designer
2. Interactive Media Designer
3. Game Designer
4. Web Designer
5. Social Media Specialist
6. Illustrator / Animator
7. Videographer
8. Media Planner
9. Content Creator
10. Sound Engineer