PT. JMC Indonesia is one of the private IT consultant companies that deals with information technology in Indonesia. PT. JMC Indonesia has a lot of employees in several departements. With so many employees, PT. JMC Indonesia conducts employees’ performance assessment every three months in order to increase the spirit of the employees. Therefore, in this final thesis, the author suggest a new system for employees’ performance assessment and to determine the best performing in each period. This research used a weighted product (WP) method, and it used six criteria, namely attitude; communication and cooperation; spirit to improve self-quality; ability and willingness to learn; problem solving ability; comprehension and mastery; work result quality; work result quantity. With this system of employees’ performance assessment for PT. JMC Indonesia, it is expected that the company can better conduct employee assessment to determine the best performing employee in each period with an accuracy of up to 95.65% based on the available previous calculation results.
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