Pantes shop is a company engaged in selling shoes in the city of Semarang. The current process of selling the Pantes Store is that customers who want to buy and find out new shoes from the Pantes Store immediately come to the Pantes Store to find and choose the shoes to be purchased. To expand the sales area by opening stores in other areas also requires funds that are not small because of the factor of store rental costs, labor costs, supporting equipment costs and other costs compared to web-based sales alternatives or e-commerce using cross selling recommendation system. The system development method used in this study is a waterfall consisting of requirements definition, system and software design with UML, implementation and unit testing with PHP and MySQL, integration and system testing and operation and maintenance. The final result of this study is the application of e-commerce shoe sales with a recommendation system based on cross selling in Pantes Stores can provide shoes recommendations based on sales data in the current month and year. Shoe recommendations will be displayed from the largest number of shoes purchased by 3 shoes
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