• Adi Nugroho S Susanto Putro
  • Ernawati .
  • Irya Wisnubhadra


CV. Anugerah is a retail company in Solo which has four branches. CV. Anugerah sells products of stationery,
clothes, and various accessoris. CV. Anugerah has 5.784 items things that every day are evenly 926 items sold.
Some problems that CV. Anugerah often faces are there are many kinds of things sold there, the brand of the things
frequently changes into other brands; it makes the customers and the shokeepers frequently confused. To find the
things they need, it takes long time. A supermarket manager can learn more about the customers’ “shopping
pattern.” Market Basket Analysis can be done on the data of retail customers’transaction in the shop. The results of
the analysis can be used to plan the markerting strategy or the advertisement and also the shop layout catalog design.
Customer relationship management (CRM) has been broadly assumed as one methodology and organization process
to interest and defend the customers through improving customers’ satisfaction and loyality. CRM technologies are
categorized into: Collaborative, Operational and Analytical. This research will develop a Market Basket Analysis on
Mobile Customer Relationship Management which can be used by management party of CV. Anugerah as the
Operational and Analytical CRM in real time by mobile device. By creating this system, it is hoped that it can
increase the service and the turnover of CV. Anugerah Group.
Keywords : Analisis Keranjang Pasar, FP-Growth, Mobile CRM
How to Cite
Susanto Putro, A. N. S., ., E., & Wisnubhadra, I. (1). MARKET BASKET ANALYSIS PADA MOBILE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT. Proceeding SENDI_U. Retrieved from