• Lie Liana


The world of education as an institution, which is aimed in processing the human resources, should be active in preparing the educated human resources who are able to face the life’s challenges either local, regional, national or international ones. College students are not enough to get the theoretical preparations, but they should also be able to apply them in their daily life. Then, they are supposed to be able to solve the various problems especially in the globalization era. Globalization is an economic reconstruction, which has been more open in human’s life, and in such openness human has played the main roles. With the high quality of human, it may result in the qualified commodities, which are competitive enough compared with other commodities in the world’s trade.

The education needed recently is the one oriented in the formation of entrepreneurship, that is the spirit and good will to face the life’s trouble, creativity in finding the solution of such problems, and also the spirit of independence. The education oriented in the entrepreneurship is an education that applies the principles and methods leading to the students’ skill formation to survive through the integrated curriculum developed in the institution.

The objective of the study is to analyze the entrepreneur profile of the students of Diploma Program of Tourism Department in Stikubank University Semarang. The data used are the primary data taken from a questionnaire, which are consist of 60 items of Personality Test, to be measured by using Likert scale. The data collection was done by distributing the questionnaire to 43 students of Diploma Program of Tourism Department in Stikubank University Semarang. The data were analyzed descriptively based on the total score taken.

Based on the research and analyzes, it can be concluded that most of the students of Diploma Program of Tourism Department has the profile of an entrepreneur profile. Therefore, the Entrepreneurship subject in the Diploma Program of Tourism Department should be taught well and up dated. Besides, it supposed to be given not only theoretically, but also practically. It is needed to sharpen their business intuition and also to train students’ skill to be a tough entrepreneur.

Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship