• Lie Liana


The tourism industry is the field that is expected to contribute the country’s income in the future, therefore this field is supposed to be managed professionally to attract the domestic or international tourists to visit the tourism objects in Indonesia. One of the measurements of tourism development is the increase of hotel occupancy, including the melati hotel. So, the melati hotel, as a part of tourism industry, should also be managed professionally. That is why the Tourism Department in Central Java has issued the Guidelines of Standardizing the Business of Melati Hotel in Central Java.

The objective of the study is to analyze the room occupancy level of melati hotel in Central Java from 1994 to 2003. The research data analyzed consist of periodical data about the percentage of melati hotel occupancy level in Central Java from 1994 to 2003. The researcher used the population as the data cover the whole melati hotel in Central Java.

The method of analyses used is the simple linear regression after the test on the classic assumption (normality, multikolinearity, heteroscesticity, and autocorrelation). Based on the tests of normality, multikolinearity, heteroscesticity, and autocorrelation, the regression model used to predict the occupancy level of melati hotel is valid. Based on the regression analysis, there is a significant correlation between the time period and the occupancy level of melati hotel in Central Java.

Based on the F-test, the regression model to predict the occupancy level of melati hotel in Central Java is valid. Based on the regression coefficient, the occupancy level of melati hotel in Central Java was decreasing.


Keywords: linear regression method; melati hotel