This research is aimed to analysis the quality of destination attraction and impact toward the behavior of the foreign tourist after visiting Central Java. The destination attraction includes natural attraction, bulding attraction, cultural attraction and social attration. The behavior includes satisfaction and tourist intention to visit. Reserach design to analysis of the research problem is descriptive method and path analysis with multiple regression. The result of the analysis descriptive method and path analysis with multiple regression there is prove that: 1) The quality of natural attraction have direct and positive impact toward tourist satisfaction. 2) The quality of bulding attraction have direct and positive impact toward tourist satisfaction. 3) The quality of cultural attraction have direct and positive impact toward tourist satisfaction. 4) The quality of social attraction have direct and positive impact toward tourist satisfaction. 5) The quality of natural attraction have direct and positive impact toward tourist intention to visit. 6) The quality of bulding attraction have direct and positive impact toward tourist intention to visit. 7) The quality of cultural attraction have direct and positive impact toward tourist intention to visit. 8) The quality of social attraction have direct and positive impact toward tourist intention to visit. 9) The tourist satisfaction have direct and positive impact toward tourist intention to visit. The result of path analysis that is quality of natural attraction, bulding attraction, and cultural attraction has no indirect impact toward tourist overall satisfaction through tourist intention to visit, and social attraction has indirect impact toward tourist overall satisfaction through tourist intention to visit.
Key Words: Destination Attraction, Tourist Satisfaction, Tourist Intention to Visit