• Mujiono Mujiono
Keywords: Productivity, output, input, , asset, efficiency


This research drive to discribe productivity level of Mitra Sejahtera Abadi cooperative, save and credit union in Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Productivity is the condition, that the present must be best than yesterday and the future is well than the present. Its very importance to keep survival and continuing of it business. Productivity is the one of valuation management performent, and it            s key sucses business now and to the future for survival cooperative interprise.  Productivity beable from two view points as: psychological and technical view point. Base on psychologicaly productivity is mentality behavioral  that now must be best than past, and the furure must be best than now. For success of its management hold on three principles as: character,value system, and trust that must be held by both management and good person.   Productivity in a technical sense is the comparison between output and input used in doing business. Output that is valued with money valuation is called income.  And input that is valued with money is called cost. Productivity Over increasing productivity shows good performance. Productivity in technical is a measurement that how much income be got from a unit cost or expenditure. In  this research productivity proximed by operation productivity, profit margin and ownes equity rentability, asset productivity and labour force productivity.

Subyect research is save and credit union of Mitra Sejahtera Abadi, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta, and financial report as  a obyect research, a long of the year six years from 2012 until 2017. This research is quantitative descriptive.

The results showed total productivity is fluctuatin tendency, so as profit margin. Total productivity in 2012 1.08, 2013 1.12, 2014 1.11, 2015 1.06, 2016 1.08, and in 2017 1.08. Profit margin in 2012 until 2017 as: 7.48,10.49, 10.05, 5.46, 7.60 and 7.30. Owners equity rentability is fluctuatif, start in 2012 until 2017 as:  8.13%,16.73%,30.53%,16.92%, 21.42% and in 2017 19.25%.Asset productivity is tends to go down, while labour force productity tends to rise.from in 2012 until 2017. Business tend to be inefficient.
