Journal Systems IDEOLOGY OF GUS YAQUT AS INDONESIAN MINISTER OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS IN CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS2024-01-29T10:18:54+07:00Wenni Ayu Arestyawenniayu1@gmail.comIndah Astiti<p>An ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, and attitudes held consciously or unconsciously that reflect or shape an understanding or misunderstanding of the social and political world. Act to encourage, legitimize or advocate collective action aims at maintaining or changing political practices and institutions. A person’s ideology can be seen through his speech, way of thinking, and actions. Speech is one of the oral communications that is frequently utilized, and it is a type of public speaking that has become an essential component of official proceedings. One of the government leaders who used the speech to communicate with people is Gus Yaqut, the Minister of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. He caused controversy with his speech that likened mosque loudspeakers to a dog barking, causing various reactions from the public who considered it blasphemy. The purpose of this study is to find out what ideology is contained in Gus Yaqut’s speech and what context triggers the ideology. In conducting this study, the writer used a qualitative method with data collection including observation and note-taking. The method of data analysis used the critical discourse analysis method by Norman Fairclough. The data result showed that the writer found institutional context, situational context, and cultural context that supported the ideology of tolerance and the ideology of harmonization of Gus Yaqut.</p> <p> </p> <p>Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Ideology, Contexts</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p> </p>2024-01-29T08:38:47+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OF MAIN CHARACTER PERSONALITY IN WEBTOON BASTARD2024-01-29T10:18:55+07:00Samuel MunsonSaamuellrhmn@gmail.comAhmad<p>Psychoanalysis is the study of human nature and personality. The purpose of this research is to find the personality of main character and the factor of personality development in Webtoon <em>Bastard</em><em>. </em>This research used descriptive qualitative method by Creswell. The analysis was started by explaining the id, ego and super-ego by Sigmund Freud in Calvin S. Hall (1954), identifying with the factor of personality development by Kuravati and Malipatil (2017) and making conclusion. The results of the analysis showed that there are eleven data in this thesis which include the structural personality (id, ego and super-ego). The researcher found some factors that indicated to development of Ah Jins’s personality that are Hoarding from individual factor and physical environment, family environment, cultural environment and social role from environment. Ah Jin can Fight his biggest fear to save the woman he loves. This Webtoon has some messages about the desire of child. Therefore, the researcher suggested the next researcher to do further research. This research also expected to enrich the knowledge of the reader about psychoanalysis.</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>ego, id, factor influence personality development, Moana, psychoanalysis, superego </em></p>2024-01-29T08:53:32+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of Context and Ideologies Found in Gita Savitri's Instagram about "Childfree" as the Controversy: a Critical Discourse Analysis2024-01-29T10:18:58+07:00Didit Anggita NursekaRivaanggita2001@gmail.comNenin Astiti<p>Social media language, particularly Instagram, has sparked controversy among the public, particularly from influencers like Gita Savitri. Misusing language can backfire, as seen in Gita's decision to not have children. Critical examination can uncover hidden meanings in language. The purpose of this study is to find out the social context of society, namely the institutional context and situational context through the language used by Gita Savitri. Then, based on the contexts above, one can find Gita Savitri’s ideology. This study uses the theory of critical discourse analysis from Norman Fairclough and language analysis from Teun A. Van Dijk. This research is a qualitative descriptive study, then the data from this study were obtained through Gita Savitri's Instagram account and some of Gita's comments on Instagram.</p> <p> The results of the study show that there are several ideologies in the Gita based on the social context of these ideologies, including liberalist ideology, feminist ideology, and narcissist ideology. From the doctrine found, it can be concluded that Gita as a woman, has the right to freedom of opinion and decisions to be childfree, and no one judges Gita in determining Gita's life choices. However, Gita's life choices have become controversial in a society that deviates from the norms of society in Indonesia</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Childfree, Critical Discourse Analysis, Ideology, Social Media</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-01-29T09:10:41+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## A GOOD FATHER AS MARLIN’S SELF ACTUALIZATION NEEDS IN FINDING NEMO FILM2024-01-29T10:19:11+07:00Rachel Adinda Putriracheladinda14@gmail.comEndang Yuliani<p>This thesis aims to understand characterization of character Marlin as main character in Finding Nemo film and how the characters fulfill their Physiological, Safety and Security, Love and Belongingness, Esteem and Self-Actualization needs using Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs. Before studying the needs, the researcher analyzes the character and characterization of Marlin and also identifies Marlin’s goal. This research focuses on analyzing the movie script on the dialogue between the characters to analyze the hierarchical needs of the characters in the Finding Nemo film.</p> <p>Based on the result of this research, the researcher has found that Marlin has noticeable characters, Marlin goal is to find Nemo, and how Marlin fulfilled his needs. Father and son relationship, the closest between Marlin and Nemo and Marlin loves Nemo, those are how Marlin fulfills love and belonging needs. Marlin’s esteem needs are respect, confidence and achievement. In the end, Marlin has reached self-actualization needs through his journey to meet his son. Marlin's long journey to find Nemo made him learn a lot. Marlin has experience purpose, acceptance, inner potential, spontaneity and creativity. Along Marlin's journey to Sydney, he met many types of fish. His meeting with Crush, an old turtle, and his encourage changed Marlin's perspective. Seeing Crush, who trusted his son to swim with the current, made Marlin know that he had been lead Nemo too hard. After successfully meeting his son in Sydney, Marlin gave Nemo freedom and trust Marlin felt calmer and more comfortable with himself.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Finding Nemo, Hierarchy of Needs, Abraham Maslow, Physiological, Safety and Security, Love and Belongingness, Esteem, Self-Actualization.</em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-01-29T09:17:01+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## EFFECT OF INTRODUCING BASIC ENGLISH THROUGH MULTIMODAL LEARNING ON LEARNING ACTIVITIES OF KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS2024-01-29T10:19:20+07:00Oktaviana Ilmiasarioktavianailmiasari25@gmail.comIndah<p>Language acts as a means of communication between people. At an early age, language is a tool to develop intellectual abilities that develop rapidly and thoroughly. By the principles of learning in kindergarten, the introduction of English in kindergarten should also be delivered in a fun way, using interesting media. The purpose of this study is to introduce basic English in kindergarten using aspects of multimodal learning. This study uses Anstey and Bull's multimodal theory. Multimodal learning is the use of various media in the learning process. The multimodal, there are five aspects in it, namely linguistic aspects, visual aspects, audio aspects, gestural aspects, and spatial aspects, and the subjects of this study are students from Masehi Citandui Kindergarten, Semarang. This research uses case studies. The authors use the following data collection methods: interviews, documentation, and observations. The results showed that the use of multimodal learning in teaching basic English to kindergarten students gained good effect, namely students become active, creative, confident, and begin to understand basic English, as evidenced when the author teaches by giving exercises and some assignments and repetition of material in the specified learning session.</p> <p> </p> <p>Keywords: Education, English, Kindergarten, Multimodal, Teacher</p> <p> </p>2024-01-29T09:28:38+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Ego Defense Mechanism of The Main Character Charlie in The Perks Of Being a Wallflower By Stephen Chbosky2024-01-29T10:19:21+07:00Nurul Dina<p>The research is about the ego defense mechanism as one of the ways or methods for traumatized person to solve and or handle their anxiety, fear, stress, or depression. This research discusses the ego defense mechanism that happens in the novel <em>The Perks of Being a Wallflower</em>, especially in the main character, Charlie. The theory used in this research is the ego defense mechanism by Sigmund Freud. The data research uses a qualitative method to describe the phenomenon of the ego defense mechanism, where the data is taken from the novel <em>The Perks of Being a Wallflower</em> by Stephen Chbosky. The findings show the main character taking on all of the id, ego, and superego activities throughout his life. In addition, he utilizes the types of ego defense mechanisms such as regression and sublimation to cope with or handle his trauma, anxiety, and fear. Also, there are causes that the main character doing the ego defense mechanism because of trauma from his best friend’s suicide, trauma and depression from his aunt’s death, and trauma of sexual abuse by his aunt.</p> <p>Keywords: Psychoanalysis, Ego defense mechanism, Trauma, Anxiety, Fear.</p>2024-01-29T09:37:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## YOUTUBE VIDEO TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY FOR 3RD GRADERS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL2024-01-29T10:19:23+07:00Destya Fitri<p>Technology is developing rapidly in the field of education, requiring teachers to utilize technology to support the learning process in the classroom, which is an alternative to attracting students' interest in the learning process. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of YouTube videos as a learning medium to improve the vocabulary of grade 3 students at SDN 01 Trimulyo. Success in the learning process is inseparable from the teacher's role in organizing and managing the class and the various constraints that exist in the classroom. In this study, we used the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method. The stages of research are planning, action, observation, and reflection. The findings from this study indicate that the use of YouTube videos as a learning medium can increase students' vocabulary. The use of YouTube videos as a learning medium provides many benefits for students, one of which is making vocabulary easier for them to learn. In other words, YouTube videos are great media that can be used to teach vocabulary. The use of YouTube videos as a medium for learning English has a positive impact on increasing students' vocabulary mastery.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Vocabulary, YouTube Video, TEYL, Classroom Action Research (CAR)</p>2024-01-29T09:43:02+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## APPLICATION OF FUN LEARNING IN VOCABULARY TEACHING USING GAME AND SONG: CASE STUDY AT NEW CONCEPT SEMARANG ENGLISH LANGUAGE2024-01-29T10:19:25+07:00Nifa Noor Akbariani<p>Learn English vocabularies is one of the most important lessons in students' development in the classroom. By mastering English vocabulary, students can do pronunciation and good enough intonation in English. The problem that occurs is that educational units must use English to learn, so from these problems, researchers use the fun learning method to help students in learning English vocabulary. The use of fun learning methods can help students in the process of improving their English vocabulary learning. This method can increase students' enthusiasm and interest in learning English vocabulary through a fun learning process so that it does not make students bored. Based on the results of the discussion, the author draws the following conclusions: (1) At first, the teacher's teaching method was not in accordance with the Fun Learning approach. However, the teacher adapted the method into a Fun Learning method by showing attention to the students and adjusting her teaching techniques to suit the individual characteristics and abilities of the students during the learning process. (2) As a result of implementing the Fun Learning method, significant changes were seen in students' learning outcomes. These changes included improved grades and increased memorization ability among the students.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Learning English Vocabulary, Fun Learning</em></p>2024-01-29T09:49:23+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION USING THE JIGSAW TECHNIQUE AT STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 32 SEMARANG – COLLABORATIVE ACTION RESEARCH2024-01-29T10:19:28+07:00Novita Prasetya<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>The purpose of this study was to find out if the jigsaw technique could help SMPN 32 Semarang's grade 8 students read more effectively and what the perception of students about using the jigsaw technique to improve their reading comprehension. There were 31 students in total who served as research subjects. The improvement that students experience is determined by the research using a cycle system. A pre-test was given before using the jigsaw technique, and a post-test was given after its application. The pre-test average for students was 87.5, and the post-test average was 92.5. The outcomes demonstrated that the jigsaw strategy was effective in improving student's reading comprehension. Based on their responses to the use of the jigsaw technique, which was very effective for them, it was concluded that they were interested and could work together with their group members to improve their reading comprehension.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Jigsaw Technique, Reading Comprehension</em></p> <p> </p>2024-01-29T10:02:34+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN REVIEWING VOCABULARY USING SCRABBLE: A CASE STUDY AT STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 32 SEMARANG2024-01-29T10:19:29+07:00Adinda Ayu<p>This study aims to investigate students' perceptions of using Scrabble games for Vocabulary reviewing. This case study is used to explore students' interest in learning vocabulary through Scrabble games and to find out the problems students experience when learning English vocabulary. In this investigation, total sampling was employed. Twenty pupils from SMPN 32 Semarang's class 8D were chosen for the study. The strategy used by researchers is that before playing on a scrabble board, they use digital scrabble media to make it easier for students to understand the flow of the game. According to the results of observation conducted with students, learning to use scrabble as an English learning medium is considered challenging because it can hone students' vocabulary skills. As many as 16 students (80%) said that their memory was on a scale of 3, and on a scale of 4, as many as 4 students (20%) said that their vocabulary memories were better after playing Scrabble. Based on the data, the average student interviewed said that the ability to remember their vocabulary is good because the students' vocabulary memorization is already a lot so that they can understand the game of scrabble well.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Vocabulary, Scrabble game</p> <p> </p>2024-01-29T10:08:45+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MECHANISM JIMMY MCGILL DI STEVEN KESLOWITZ WHY YOU BETTER CALL SAUL2024-01-29T10:19:29+07:00Mochamad Samsul Ma’arifmochsamsulmaarif20@gmail.comYulistiyanti<p><em>This article is written to analyze the main character, Jimmy Mcgill, in Why You Better Call Saul by Steven Keslowitz, who struggles through his journey against his fate. He is also dealing with disappointment and betrayal during his early life. In this novel, he uses several defense mechanisms daily to deal with issues and difficulties in his life. This thesis aims to identify the kinds, the causes, and the impacts of his defense mechanisms. This thesis uses Freudian psychoanalysis theory and its branch, defense mechanism, as the main theories. Qualitative descriptive and contextual approaches are used to help the writer to get the desirable results. The result of this thesis reveals that the main triggers of his defense mechanisms are the influence of the conman he met during his adolescence and his misusing it as a survival guide. The defense mechanisms he uses are denial, introjection, and projection. The impacts of his defense mechanisms bring more negative results that lead to his downfall</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Defense mechanism, Psychoanalysis, Misusing</p>2024-01-29T10:16:36+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ENGLISH VOCABULARY USING SONGS TO THE THIRD GRADERS OF NGADIRGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL- 01, MIJEN2024-01-29T10:30:52+07:00Maya<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>One of the things that is essential to English is vocabulary. A language's vocabulary is also its core. Therefore, regardless of how well someone knows a language's grammar, pronunciation, and other elements, communication cannot occur meaningfully without a large vocabulary (Nathan, 2013). Vocabulary instruction should therefore begin with young pupils as soon as feasible because it will aid in their learning of the English language. This study set intended to explain the steps involved in teaching English vocabulary using songs and investigate how doing so can help students become more proficient in English. With a sample size of 25 students, this study used qualitative research and included observation, pre-test, treatment, post-test, documentation. Method of data analysis used in this study is the Milles and Huberman (1994) model with the following stages: data reduction, data display, conclusion and verification. This study showed that it effectively increases pupils' vocabulary by employing media songs. The computation results reveal that the post-test scores (96,8%) improved and were higher than the pre-test scores (26.4%). This demonstrates the effectiveness of using songs to aid pupils in developing their vocabulary.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>vocabulary, teaching using songs, teaching vocabulary</em></p>2024-01-29T10:30:51+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##