Proceeding ICOBAME en-US Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:16 +0700 OJS 60 CASE ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOAN INTEREST CALCULATION METHOD SELECTION AND ITS EFFECT ON CUSTOMERS <p>Level of competition among banks in Indonesia to raise funds and distribute loans is very high. The competition takes place between the bank books 2, 3 and 4 in the fight over third-party funds. The main reason for customers to save and obtain credit is the interest rate. On the banking side, the setting interest rates on deposits are very competitive, so the impact on the cost of loanable funds is high. These conditions have an impact on the increase in the loan interest rate. If banks still maintain high lending interest rates, emerging risk include bad debts and turning away customers are the low level of interest rates. This study aimed to determine the interest rate calculation method used bank loans and its effect on customers. The method used is the study of literature with a case study approach. The results showed that the interest calculation method provides the highest returns flat method. On the other hand, consumers will tend to choose an effective method and annuity due to interest rate to be paid by consumers was lower than the flat method. This study suggests that the banks should determine the level of interest rates and should consider the cost of loanable funds and consumer characteristics.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Flat Method, Effective and Annuity.</p> Pandu Adi C, Dedi Rianto R, Etty S ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:41 +0700 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN INDONESIA ASEAN BEST RESULTS BY WEALTH CREATOR 2016 <p>Based on the Asean Best Wealth Creator 2016, Bank Rakyat Indonesia gained positive WAI. Meanwhile, Bank Negara Indonesia get WAI negative. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors supporting the results of the wealth added index (WAI) has been done by Stern Stewart &amp; Co. in cooperation with SWA magazine on existing public banks in Indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI). This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. The data used is the annual financial statements. Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Negara Indonesia in terms of the minimum profit rate to be obtained by the shareholders of the investment is very volatile to maintain the value of the bank. Return on assets at Bank Rakyat Indonesia fluctuate due to interest expense and risk provision charge increased. While the return on assets at Bank Negara Indonesia also fluctuates due to global economic conditions and Indonesia unstable. Dividend policy at Bank Rakyat Indonesia in the distribution of dividends is increasing which indicates the distribution of dividends is quite stable and able to support the company's value Bank Rakyat Indonesia. While the dividend policy of the Bank Negara Indonesia has always fluctuated in which the amount of the dividends are not always increase that indicates the distribution of dividends is not stable so it will affect the value of the company Bank Negara Indonesia.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> BRI, BNI, WAE, ROA, dividend policy</p><p><strong> </strong></p> Mispiyanti ., Ika Neni Kristanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:43 +0700 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN BANKING EFFICIENCY BY BANKS CATEGORY <p>This study aims to compare the Indonesian banking efficiency among the six bank category: state-private,  merger-nonmerger,  and  domestic-foreign.  It  used  a  quantitative  approach  and historical data, where the data  used is both time series (2000–2012), and cross sectional (for some commercial banks that meet the  requirements  of the sample). Conceptually, it will rely upon  the  concept  of efficiency proposed by Farrell  (1957). Meanwhile,  banking efficiency measurement techniques used is the DEA with intermediation approach.  In the application of DEA, it uses both CRS models (CCR) and VRS (BCC). While in its construction, it uses input- oriented  approach.  In  comparing  those  banks,  we  aplly the  Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney  Test. Based on the sample of 17 commercial banks, we find that, generally, Indonesian foreign banks are more efficient than  domestic. This fact also illustrates that the private banks are more efficient than state, and merger banks are more efficient than non-merger.</p><p> </p><p><strong>  </strong><strong>K</strong><strong>eywords: </strong>efficiency, banking, data envelopment analysis (DEA), post Asian monetary crisis</p> Budi Santosa ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:44 +0700 THE STUDY OF IMPLEMENTING FRAUD RISK ASSESSMENT OF CREDIT DECISION IN DETERMINING AUDITORS’ RESPONSE. (A Study at PT. BPR–Bandung) <p>This research  aims to find out the effect of fraud risk assessment in determining  Auditors response in the terms of the nature, extent, and timing, for further audit procedures. Study is conducted atPeople’s Credit Bank (Bank BPR) which is a bank that conducts the business conventionally. Bank is a subject to fraud risk, especially fraud risk from lending process. Fraud risk can cause material misstatement in bank’s financial statements and misappropriation of assets.therefore, bank management will hire external auditor to audit the financial statements.Analytical descriptive method is used to solve and answer the problems.Based on the study conducted, the identified significant fraud risks are kickbacks on illegal loans and kickbacks related to external fraud, which are asset-based and floor plan loan fraud. Company’s relevant internal control can mitigate some of the fraud risk. For auditor’s responds, auditor should expand substantive test for reconciliation and collateral appraisal, conduct audit at the end of period, and increase the number of the sample used. In the future, company should use pre-numbered credit document. Company should segregate duty between credit analyst and internal inspector unit, perform job rotation regularly, synchronized organization structure and job description, and use appraisal service for collateral appraisal.             </p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Bank Loan,Lending Fraud Risk, Auditors’ Response.</p> Elizabeth Tiur Manurung, Evelyn Wijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:45 +0700 TAX COMPLIANCE THROUGH INTERNALIZATION VALUE OF RELIGION <p>Increased tax compliance will have an impact on increasing tax revenues. Compliance paying taxes becomes a very important factor in meeting tax obligations. Tax compliance through the internalization of religion became the focus of current research since there are differences in the values that are believed to society. Most people still think the tax is not a "obligation". <strong>Purpose-</strong> The percentage of tax compliance and tax ratio is still low in Indonesia. This study aims to find the essence of the meaning of the individual on tax compliance through the internalization of religious values due to the low tax compliance both formally and materially. <strong>Approach -</strong> The approach used in this article is a qualitative study – Phenomenology. <strong>Findings</strong> – there are dilemma of tax and zakat, because Zakat is the personal obligation of the individual with God, and the tax is the obligation of the individual to the state, as the value of religion, Islam should be viewed as a system of values to be functionalized and used as a way of life to its adherents. Efforts to improve tax compliance needs to be done in particular by cooperating with religious leaders in an effort to internalize religious values. Internalization of the taxpayer and the tax authorities should be done with sufficient knowledge base and real action. <strong>Originality</strong> -This article complements efforts to improve tax compliance through the internalization of religious values.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Keyword</strong><strong>s :</strong> Compliance, Taxpayer, Internalization of Religious Values</p> Umaimah . ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:46 +0700 THE EFFECT OF EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PROGRAM (ESOP) TO THE COST OF CAPITAL WITH QUALITY OF EARNINGS AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE <p>The current study aimed to examine the empirical evidence related to the employee stock ownership program (ESOP) towards the cost of capital of the company with the quality of earnings as mediation. ESOP is expected to align the interests of management with the owners of the company. ESOP is expected to improve the performance of agents that will be reflected in the quality of corporate profits. Companies that implement ESOP have placed employees, management, or executive, on a par with their principals. Employees will enjoy results like other shareholders, if the company has increased earnings. Thus the risk faced by the company can be minimized. Confidence of investors and creditors will guarantee their funds and it will make the cost of capital has decreased. The data in the study were obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Nineteen sample companies are implementing ESOP program during 2008 through 2014. The number of observations obtained during this period were 60 observations. This is because the period of implementation of the ESOP of each company is different. The research hypothesis testing used a test path analysis using software SmartPLS 2.0 M3. The empirical results of the study indicated that the ESOP significantly and  negatively affected the cost of capital. ESOP also positively and significantly affect discretionary accruals of the company. Earnings quality did not affect the cost of capital. Tests of the capital cost component showed  that  ESOP and earnings quality affected the cost of debt. While for the cost of equity of  ESOP is not a factor affecting. In testing of the intervening variables, earnings quality did not mediate between the effect of ESOP and the cost of capital.</p><p><br /> <strong>Keywords</strong>: agency theory, employee stock ownership program (ESOP), earnings quality, the cost of capital</p> Sartika Wulandari, Widhian Hardiyanti, Bogy Febriatmoko ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:48 +0700 THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT ASSETS AND ITS DISCLOSURE COMPLIANCE ON THE FIRM VALUE WITH THE AUDITOR REPUTATION AS THE MODERATING VARIABLE <p>This research examines the impact of financial instrument asset and its disclosure compliance on the firm value with the auditor reputation as the moderating variable. The firm value is measured by the stock returns, financial instrument asset is measured by the total amount of the assets, and auditor reputation is measured with the auditor rank based on its revenue. Regression analysis is employed to test the variables’ relationship. This research finds that financial instrument assets and its disclosure compliance have positive and significant impact on the firm value. However, auditor reputation does not prove that this is the moderating variable. Moreover, the auditor reputation does not strengthen the impact of financial instrument asset and its disclosure compliance on the firm value.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: financial instrument asset, firm value, disclosure compliance, auditor reputation.</p> Suwaldiman ., Nisrina Nur Apriliani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:49 +0700 KEY SUCCESS FACTOR RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE & SEPARATE WITH ERM MODEL TO ACTUALIZE GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE PERFORMANCE ON NON-FINANCIAL INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE COMPANIES (Study CaseonNon-Financial IDX Companies) <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze key success factor that influence Risk Management Committee and Separate Risk Management Committee. The factors that used include: independent commissioner, board size, meeting frequency of board commissioner, education background of prior board commissioner, auditor reputation, risk of financial report, profitability, company complexity, leverage and company size. This research uses 156 of non-financial companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange as sample in year 2012 to 2013. Purposive sampling is the sampling method. This research uses logistic regression in hypothesis testing. The result shows that education background of prior board commissioner and leverage significantly influence toward RMC as well as SRMC, then for board size, auditor reputation and risk of financial report influence toward RMC but not influence SRMC, meanwhile for independent commissioner, meeting frequency of board commissioner, profitability, company complexity and company size do not significantly influence toward RMC as well as SRMC.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Independent Commissioner, Board Size, Meeting Frequency of Board Commissioner, Education Background, Auditor Reputation, Risk of Report, Profitability, Company Complexity, Leverage, Company Size, Risk Management Committee, Separate Risk Management Committee.</p> Kusnadi ., Ketut Mangku, Kholifah Fil Ardhi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:50 +0700 THE EFFECT OF INSTITUTIONAL OWNERSHIP AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TO THE TAX AGGRESSIVENESS <p>This research aimed to analyze the effect of institutional ownership, corporate social responsibility to tax agressiveness.  The sample in this research is companies that listed Corporate Governance Perception Indeks (CGPI) in 2011 to 2014. Sampling techniques used to purposive sampling method and get 56 companies. The analyze using multiple regression analysis with interaction analyze based. The results showed that the institutional ownership has significant negative to the tax aggressive, corporate social responsibility has significant positive to the tax aggressiveness, corporate governance and return on assets has no significant effect to the tax aggressiveness, and corporate governance can moderate corporate social responsibility to the tax aggressiveness.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Institutional Ownership, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance, Return On Assets and Tax Agressiveness<strong>.</strong></p> Wening Tiyas Kusumawati, Pancawati Hardiningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:50 +0700 REVISITING THEORY OF UNDERPRICING AT INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING IN INDONESIA <p>This research aims to proof the existing theory of underpricing phenomenon at Initial Public Offering (IPO). The one of many theory has been used to explain it phenomenon is asymmetry information. The results of this research found that theory of asymmetry information explained underpricing phenomenon weakly. By using many proxies variable represented asymmetry information theory, there was only financial leverage affected on underpricing phenomenon. This research’s result will reopen the discussion of explained theory in IPO phenomenon.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Keywords : </strong>IPO, Underpricing, Asymmetry Information</p><p><em> </em></p> Bayu Sindhu Raharja, Veni Soraya Dewi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:51 +0700 INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYERS COMPLIANCE VIEWED FROM SOCIALISATION TAXATION AND TAX AUTHORITY SERVICE ENVIRONMENT AS A MODERATION <p>This study aimed to examine the effects of tax socialization and tax authority services on individual taxpayer compliance with environment as a moderation. The sample in this study are individual taxpayers who perform in Tax Service Office (TSO) Major Pratama West Semarang. A sampling method was used by accidental sampling. The analysis technique is used by multiple regression with moderating variable. The research showed that the socialization of tax and tax authority services have positive effect on tax compliance. The environments moderate the socializing influence of tax and service tax authorities on taxpayer compliance.</p><p><strong>Key</strong><strong>words</strong>: tax socialisation, tax authorities services, environment, taxpayer compliance.</p> Ceacilia Srimindarti, Titiek Suwarti, Listyorini Wahyu Widati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:51 +0700 THE IMPACT OF MARKET DISCIPLINE ON BANKS’ BEHAVIOR: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIA <p>This  study  aims  to  investigate  the  influence  of  market  discipline  on  the  behavior  of commercial banks with respect to their capital adequacy compliance and pricing behavior. We used panel data of listed commercial banks in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the year of 2007-2012. We used capital adequacy and pricing behavior as the dependent variable and we included  size  of  bank,  deposits,  liquidity  risk,  asset  quality  and  profitability  as  the explanatory variables and type of ownerships as dummy variable.  The findings indicate that bank size, liquidity risk, profitability, market discipline and type of ownership significantly effect on the bank capital adequacy. It showed that state-owned banks are percieved more secure  than  private-owned  banks  due  to  state-owned  banks  maintain  superior  capital adequacy.  On  the  other  edge,  deposits,  liquidity  risk,  market  discipline  and  type  of ownership effect on banks  pricing behavior. According to type of ownership, state-owned banks earn higher net interest margin than private-owned banks due to state-owned banks set lower deposits rate and higher loans rate.</p><p> </p><p><strong>K</strong><strong>e</strong><strong>ywords: </strong>market discipline, capital adequacy, interest margin, bank behavior</p> Dwi Irawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:51 +0700 IMPACT OF CHANGES IN LOCAL TAX LAW AND LEVIES FINANCIAL CAPABILITY OF DISTRICT / CITY IN JAVA <p>The implementation of regional autonomy that has been running for ten years still shows degree of dependence of local government district / city government against punsat so intense that the average contribution of local revenues to total revenues of the district / city is less than 10%. Birth of law number 28 of 2009 on local taxes and levies with effect from January 1, 2010 which includes the expansion and upgrading source of local revenue from local taxes and levies diharakan able to increase the financial capacity of the district / city so that the degree of independence of the area increases , This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the changes in tax laws and local levies to the financial capacity of districts / cities in Java. The population of this study included all regencies / cities in Java, except the province of special areas of the capital Jakarta, with the consideration that the district / city in Jakarta is not an autonomous region but only the administrative area. The number of districts / cities in this study 114 districts / cities which consists of 8 districts / cities in Banten province, 28 districts / cities in West Java province, five districts / cities in the province of Yogyakarta Special Region, 35 districts / cities in Central Java province and 38 districts / cities in East Java province. The observation period from 2010 to 2013. The data used are secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics (various publications). Data analysis method used was descriptive by describing phenomena.                   This study failed to find that the financial capacity of districts / cities in Java, as measured by the average contribution of local revenues to total local revenue showed a rising trend with the details: Banten Province in 2010 of 13.13%, in 2011 amounted to 18.69% , in 2012 amounted to 20.60% and in 2013 amounted to 22.04%; West Java in 2010 amounted to 10.60%, in 2011 amounted to 13.00%, in 2012 amounted to 14.74% and in 2013 amounted to 16.18%; Central Java in 2010 of 10.03%, in 2011 amounted to 9.82%, in 2012 11.03% and in 2013 amounted to 12.35%; East Java in 2010 amounted to 8.63%, in 2011 amounted to 9.94%, in 2012 amounted to 11.19% and in 2013 amounted to 12.29%; Yogyakarta Special Region in 2010 amounted to 11.63%, in 2011 amounted to 12.94%, in 2012 amounted to 15.05% and in 2013 amounted to 16.79%. The results showed that the change in local tax laws and levies effectively able to improve the financial capacity of districts / cities in Java.</p> Maryono ., Ida Nurhayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:53 +0700 COACHING TAXPAYERS POLICY (TPWP) AND TAX PENALTIES AGAINST TAX COMPLIANCE <p>This research aimed to analyze the effect of tax penalties on the willingness tax to pay , the effect of tax penalties and coaching taxpayers, and the willingness tax to pay on tax compliance. Selected samples as many as 206 SMEs as respondents on Tax Office Candisari in Semarang in 2015 with a purposive sampling technique. Analysis techniques using multiple regression analysis model of mediation. Tax penalties positive effect on tax compliance. Coaching Taxpayers have no effect on tax compliance. Tax penalties significant positive effect on willingness tax to pay. The willingness tax to pay significant positive effect to tax compliance.  Willingness tax to pay variable  have a  mediating role the effect of tax penalties against tax compliance.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Tax Penalties, Coaching Taxpayer Policy (TPWP), Willingness Tax to Pay, Tax Compliance</p> Alfasadun ., Pancawati Hardiningsih, Rachmawati Meita O ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:54 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PERCEPTION INDEX, QUALITY AUDITOR, AND LEVERAGE ON PROFIT MANAGEMENT (Empirical Study On Company Registered in The Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance 2010-2014) <p>Higher educations play important role in effort to develop a nation. Good quality of a higher education will contribute<br />to the progress of the nation. The quality of higher education can be seen from the quality of its leader. Head of<br />department has an important role in advancing the department head, then in turn contributing to the quality of a<br />university. The current research aimed to examine the leadership styles of head of departments and their leadership<br />effectiveness. The research used 60 lecturers to be respondents. Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire 5X (MLQ) was<br />used. Research findings showed that the department heads exhibited combination of transformational, transactional and<br />laissez-faire leadership styles. Research findings also indicated that dimensions of transformational leadership: idealized<br />influence (behavior), inspirational motivation, individualized consideration were consistent with the norm of MLQ<br />(fairly often). While for dimensions of transactional leadership, contingent reward and management by exception-active<br />and passive were also consistent with the norm of MLQ (sometimes). The rest were not suitable with the norm of MLQ,<br />namely: idealized influence (attributed), intellectual stimulation, and laissez-faire. The findings also indicated that<br />combinations of transformational and transactional leadership styles of head departments were more effective if<br />compared with the single contribution of leadership style. The research findings implied empirically to the<br />implementation of transformational leadership style in the field and theoritically to the body of transformational<br />leadership style theory of department head.</p><p>Keywords: department head, transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles, leadership effectiveness</p> Addienda Kamilia Insani, M.G. Kentris Indarti, J. Widiatmoko ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:55 +0700 EFFECTS CAPITAL STRUCTURE, MANAGERIAL OWNERSHIP, FIRM SIZE, AND TANGIBLE ASSET TO THE FIRM VALUE: EMPIRICAL STUDY ON INDONESIAN STOCK EXCHANGE <p>This study was conducted to test the effect of capital structure, managerial ownership, size, and asset tangibility to the value of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. In this study population is all listed manufacturing companies (Go Public) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) 2011-2014. The sample in this study are listed manufacturing companies (Go Public) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) 2011-2014. The sampling method used in this study is judgment sampling method, which is one form of purposive sampling by sampling predetermined based on the intent of the study. Based on this can be obtained samples 26 companies, so that the number of observations 104. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that capital structure has a significant influence on the value of the firm's, managerial ownership, size and the asset tangibility have no effect on Firm Value.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong>  Capital Structure, Managerial Ownership, Company Size, Asset Tangibility, and Firm Value.</p><p> </p> Didik Prabowo, Sunarto ., Bambang Sudiyatno ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:56 +0700 THE EFFECT OF REVERSE LOGISTICS CAPABILITIY ON COST SAVINGS: INNOVATION AS MODERATOR VARIABLE <p>Facing tough competition in the era of AEC, every company would be demanded to be able to provide high quality products based on customers’ preferences. By managing a good supply chain and performance will lead to better quality of products than before. The supply chain is identical with upstream to downstream problems. Unconsciously, the downstream to upstream also plays a big role in the company; therefore a company should be able to manage the reverse logistics activities. By developing the reverse logistics, it can help the company to elevate their ability to compete in the market, and also minimizing their cost. The factors that affect reverse logistics, thus will also affect to the cost saving. The factors can be broken down into: orientation towards consumers;  opportunistic behavior of consumers; commitment to the resources; contractual agreement; and innovation as the moderate variable. This research conducted to analyze the reverse logistics capability of book publishers in Surabaya. The data were collected from 30 book publishers then being analyzed by using SmartPLS 2.0 software. The result from this research shows that the reverse logistics capability has positive relations towards cost savingsz. Innovation also has strong relation towards the reverse logistics in minimizing costs. Despite the factors of opportunist customers should have negative relations towards reverse logistics, but in fact, it has positive relations towards reverse logistics.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Reverse Logistic, Commitment to the Resources, Contractual Agreement, Cost Savings, Orientation towards Consumers, Opportunistic Behavior of Consumers, Innovation</p> Febriana Wurjaningrum, Eky Meirina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:56 +0700 MENTAL ACCOUNTING APPLIED TO PURCHASE DECISIONS : A SELECTIVE MARKETING MIX EFFECT ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (STUDY CASE ON USER PERFUME REFILL IN SEMARANG) <p>The research examines the effect Marketing mix  on Customer Satisfaction with Mental Accounting as an intervening variable.This research use sample consisted of 170 users refillable perfume in Kauman Semarang.  Selection of samples by using <em>Simple Random Sampling</em> <em>.</em> The hypothesis testing model using SEM (Stuctural Equation Modeling) which is operated through  AMOS 7 program .  The result of the research indicated, Product, Location are factors that  affect positively on Mental Accounting and Customer Satisfaction . The positive result give  the conclusion that the product of perfume refill has an  aroma  like  the same as the original perfume, it affects mental accounting of buyers to make a purchase decision refill perfume products. Location refill perfume sales in Kauman Semarang is located within easy reach, easy buy and choose the type and flavor as needed by consumer.  In other hand Price cannot effect Mental Accounting of consumer. Mental Accounting on consumers in Semarang in choosing perfume refills are not only looking at the price value but rather how much benefit is expected to satisfy their needs. These findings contribute that the company in producing a perfume more attention in product and location aspect. Mental accounting is an approach that has been used to explain how consumers mentally budget for consumer purchase decisions and can be seen as a substitute for the standard economic theory of the consumer where consumers should ideally maximize Reviews their expected utility</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords </strong>: Marketing mix, Mental Accounting  ,Customer Satisfaction</p> Guruh Taufan Hariyadi, Enny Susilowati Mardjono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:58 +0700 ANALYSIS OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR HEALTH INFORMATION USER SYSTEMS IN MAKASSAR CITY HEALTH CENTER OF INTENTION SIDE AND EASE OF USE TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF REGIONAL HEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MAKASSAR <p>This study aims is to examine the human resource development of user behavior in the use of health information system (HIS) at the health center in Makassar city from the aspect of the influence of perceived usefulness, perceived easy to use on the behavioral intention and its impact on the user intention (intention of use). This research is expected to Contribute to the improvement of SIK recommendation from the aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. In addition, this study useful to provide human resource development of user behavior in technological innovation in the area of health information systems in the health center of Makassar. The population in this study is the personnel who served in all health centers of Makassar, the which is about 1327 people. PHC Makassar scattered in the which is about 46 health centers. The research sample was conducted using non-probability sampling method or non-random sampling method with accidental sampling technique. Then the sample in this study is power in Puskesmas Kota Makassar using SIK. Methods of Data collection is done by interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and forums on line. Data analysis techniques using quantitative methods through genaralized structural component analysis (GSCA) GeSCA using software. The result shows that perceived easy of use have a significant effect on perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness have a significant effect on the user intention, and user behavior have a significant effect on the user intention. Also, perceived easy of use founded not significant to user behavior and user intention.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> health information system, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, user behavior, user intention</p> Idayanti Nursyamsi, Nurjannah Hamid, Yansor Djaya, Julius Jillbert ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:13:59 +0700 THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL CAPITAL ON KNOWLEDGE SHARING AND INNOVATION TO IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE OF BUSINESS (Studies on SMEs Embroidery and Convection in Kudus, Central Java) <p>The purpose of this study is to verify and analyze the influence of trust, social interaction, social norms, shared vision towards knowledge sharing and innovation and business performance on small medium enterprises embroidery and convection industry in Kudus, Central Java. This study took a sample of 125 respondents. Respondents were owners of small and medium enterprises embroidery and convection industries. Technical analysis  using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS software.This research generally has a positive effect on trust, shared vision, social interactions toward knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing has positive effect on innovation and business performance, as well as innovations affect business performance.The theoretical findings in this study are: (1) improving  business performance can be done by increasing trust, shared vision, and social interaction, through knowledge sharing, (2) to improve the business performance can be done through increasing knowledge sharing and innovation.This study contributes the findings in the theory of social capital as a based theory in collaboration with  the social action theory, in explaining the role of knowledge sharing as variable that mediated social capital variables.</p><p><strong> Keywords: </strong>Business Performance, Knowledge Sharing, Social Capital</p> Kertati Sumekar, Mamiek Indaryani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:00 +0700 INCUBATION OF CREATIVE INDUSTRY AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS BASED ON STIKUBANK UNIVERSITY (CASE STUDY OF SBS INCUBATOR STIKUBANK UNIVERSITY) <p>Entrepreneurial learning is now no longer talking about only a theory, but it is also required to implement a business plan that has been established during the learning. This change demands the learning delivered theoretically, ideally making learning methodology become more dependent on the reality today. One of the effort is the establishment of student entrepreneurship incubator on campus. Stikubank University IbK as the recipient of grants from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education has the opportunity to implement the establishment of a business incubator. This incubator integrated withentrepreneurship curriculum development managed by P2BK. Science and technology program for Entrepreneurship (IbK) is a program that aims to create a new independent entrepreneurs. This is one of an effort to create a new entrepreneurs who will not to be a job seekers but instead of it became the creator of the work (job creators). IbK program at the Stikubank University implemented in the form of entrepreneurship training, business initiation, business proposal competition. Training is conducted to provide entrepreneurial knowledge, encourage the growth of entrepreneurship motivation, increase understanding of management (human resources, production, finance and marketing) and create a business plan. Business initiation encourage students to be more vibrant in the form of entrepreneurship by providing capital and business assistance (mentoring). Business proposal competition gives students the opportunity to explore reviews their entrepreneurial abilities. In the 2016, the number of IbK's tenants are 20 students. Tenant comes from PKM of participants as well as students who already possessed of business or who do not have a business as well as alumni. There are five tenants has been able to implement a business proposal that has been prepared and already has its own representative business space. The fifth tenant is Krishna Dewangga with Horny Cupcakes Apparel business, Sasi Syifaurrohmi Batik_Que Mangrove business, Ainun Najib business Waste Applications Sokline, Deni Nur Setiawan with House of Design and Septian Eka Cahya with Glass Mug Press OB business.</p><p> <strong>Keywords:</strong> incubator, IbK, job seeker, job creators, initiation, mentoring, tenant.</p><p><strong> </strong></p> Lie Liana, Fitika Andraini, Novita Mariana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:00 +0700 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN THE AREA OF CENTRAL INDONESIAN MIGRANT WORKERS’FAMILY <p>Ads from Malaysia cleaning equipment company, RoboVac in February 2015 with the inscription 'Fire Your Indonesian Maid Now' and has caused public outrage Indonesia. Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi also take action, not only sent a protest note, the Foreign Minister also call the Malaysian embassy officials to Foreign office. Polemics presence of migrant workers abroad has always been a concern of Indonesian society. This study aims to formulate entrepreneurial strategies in the central areas of Indonesian workers’family in Gresik. Top of Form - The approach used in this article is a qualitative study - Phenomenology. Data collection method used was a literature review, surveys, and indept-interviews. Data collected was analyzed using triangulation, starting from the stage transcribe data, process information and display data. In Dukun Subdistrict more than 1000 people who work as migrant workers in the informal sector overseas. Until now not much developed entrepreneurship programs conducted by former workers and family members of migrant workers both in the village ;Tebuwung and Lowayu. There are no bottom-up entrepreneurship program ranging from the village as well as top-down program of the central government, provinces and institutions National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI). Money earned by the majority of migrant workers are still being used to meet the needs of the consumer, has not been productive to start a business. This article presents the issue of family entrepreneurship development strategy in the central areas of migrant workers by involving family workers who succeed in entrepreneurship and then cease to be workers abroad.</p><p><strong> Keyword</strong><strong>s -</strong>Strategy, Entrepreneurship Development, Indonesian Worker’sfamily</p> Moh. Agung Surianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:03 +0700 THE EFFECT OF BRAND EQUITY AND AFTER SALES SERVICE TO THE LOYALTY MEDIATED BY CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (STUDY ON CUSTOMER UNIT EXCAVATOR KOBELCO) <p>The purpose of observation is to analyze and describe the effect of brand equity and after sales service to the loyalty  mediated bycustomer satisfaction as meadiating variable to customer Excavator Kobelco.Population in this observation is Kobelco customer who buy Excavator unit. Analysis tool used is multiple linear regression.The result of this observation can be concluded that brand equity has positive effect to customer sastifaction, after sales service also has positive effect to customer satisfaction. Brand equity has positive effect to loyalty customer, after sales service also haspositive effect. Customer sastifaction has postive effect to customer loyalty. Customer sastifaction mediatesthe effect brand equity to the loyalty customer Excavator Kobelco, Customer satisfaction doesn't mediate the effect after sales service to the loyalty customer Excavator Kobelco.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords :</strong> brand equity, after sales service, customer sastifaction, loyalty customer.</p> Mulyadiyanto Sumarsana, Ms. Erick Santoso ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:04 +0700 PERCEPTION ADVERTISING, PERCEPTION OF PRICE AND BRAND IMAGE TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND ITS IMPACT ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY PRODUCTS WHITE LUWAK KOFFIE (Studies in the University Student FEB Stikubank (Unisbank) Semarang) <p>This study aimed to analyze the influence of advertising, price perception, brand image to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty products Luwak White Koffie. The data used are primary data obtained directly from the original source in the form of a questionnaire. The sample in this study was the student of 2015-2016 at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Stikubank (UNISBANK) Semarang who consume Luwak White Koffie 86 people. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The criteria for the samples used in this study are customers who already mengkosumsi products Luwak White Koffie at least twice or more. Test equipment used in this study testing the validity using factor analysis, reliability testing using Cronbach Alpha and hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis can be concluded that: Advertisinghas positive effect on customer satisfaction. Perception prices has positively affects customer satisfaction. Brand image has positively affects customer satisfaction. Advertisinghas positive effect on customer loyalty. Perception prices has positive effect on customer loyalty. Brand image has positively affects customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction has positive effect on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction does not mediate the effect of advertising on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction does not mediate the effect of price perception on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction does not mediate the effect of brand image on customer loyalty.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> advertising, perception of price, brand image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty</p> Mulyo Budi Setiawan, Sinta Maya Devi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:04 +0700 CITY BRANDING ATTRIBUTES DEVELOPMENT: WORKERS AND STUDENTS PERPECTIVES <p>Lack of success in achieving the objectives of city branding activities is mainly due to the exclusion of the citizens as one of the city brand stakeholders. Launching of the city brand as if it is only temporary and has no impact on the improvement of the city, as well as the stakeholders directly. Hopes of stakeholders to live in a city that is ideal for them to be not true. This study aimed to generate attribute the establishment of city branding considering more specific stakeholders, namely the workers and students. Six main dimensions of city branding were identified are: Place Charactersitics, Place Inhabitants, Place Business, Place Quality, Place Familiarity, and Place Hitory. Principal Component Analisis (PCA) method was used to extract the 79 attributes of these six dimensions. Validation of the constructs of these attributes was conducted using responses from 214 workers and students from the city of Semarang, Surakarta, and Pekalongan by a combination of exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The process resulted in an instrument that measures 17 unidimensional factors within the six city branding dimensions.</p><p><strong>Keywords:  </strong>Branding, City Marketing, Attributes Development</p> Piji Pakarti, Usman . ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:05 +0700 EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS CAPABILITIES SALES PERSONNEL ON VALUE CO-CREATION <p>Purpose- This study focuses on customer involvement in planning and deciding the products and services that will be purchased through a salespeople. Companies, salespeople and customers have the resources and competencies are different, they work together to achieve a common goal. The marketing concept that puts the customer as recipients of products and services called centered on enterprise (firm-centric) means that companies that have the resources initiative to create products and services while customers are passive party. Developments in information technology led to the company changing the paradigm becomes centered on the customer (customer-centric). Customers actively involved in the creation of a value corresponding to the desired and the customer experience. This study of the relationship between companies and customers that are based on the theory of collaboration, customer value and relationship marketing. This study was conducted on the insurance companies because of the nature of the recruitment of customers in introducing the product benefits, the role of the salespeople is very intense. Salespeople than as a power marketer in introducing the product also acts as a financial consultant in explaining the invested capital as well as in the long run. Metodelogi- method used to analyze the model is multiple regression with respondents in the customer life insurance company in Semarang a sample of 100 respondents customers.</p><p>Findings- The results of this study to establish the basic theoretical and empirical models based on the theory of relationship marketing and customer value.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>customer participation, collaboration, customer perceived value, salespeson, co-creation<strong></strong></p> R.A. Marlien, Ali Maskur, Mulyobudi Setiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:06 +0700 ENTREPRENEURSHIP ORIENTATION EFFECT ON SMALL BUSINESS CONVECTION IN KEBUMEN <p>As an emerging district of the poverty problem, Kebumen very concerned about the rise of the small and medium sectors of the economy that is expected to resolve the problem of poverty and unemployment. Many emerging businesses - particularly new businesses in the creative industries such as garment manufacturers of household scale  both on a small scale, as well as medium in Kebumen, therefore, as a businessman engaged in this industry must pay attention to the variables that affect the business performance of his company. This study is intended to determine how the influence dimension - a dimension in entrepreneurship orientation affect the company's business performance, either simultaneously or partially, addition this study also aimed to determine which variables are most influential on the business performance of the company - a company engaged in the garment industry household in Kebumen. Data processing method using the validity, reliability, classic assumption test, and descriptive statistical analysis, while the method of data analysis is a technique used Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. Data obtained from the survey through questionnaires. Research results revealed that all three dimensions of the innovative, proactive, and risk taking have an impact on the business performance of the company.But only innovative dimension that have significant effect on performance. This is show that the entrepreneur must encourage their effort to take risk and proactive to improve business performance</p><p> <strong>Keywords:</strong> Entrepreneurship  Orienttion , Innovative, Proactive, Risk Taking, Performance</p><p> </p> Siti Nur Azizah, Parmin . ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:06 +0700 THE ROLE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTABILITY COMPETENCY ON INCREASING THE PERFORMANCE OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES IN INDONESIA <p>This research aimed at filling the gap in the research of tactical generic strategy which is relatively hard to find in pharmaceutical industry. The research method used multi group sequential equation modeling with top managers from 106 companies as the research samples. Those samples were from 225 pharmaceutical companies in Indonesia. The results of the research concluded that increasing the companies’ performance needed four (4) concepts; 1. Culture development of market orientation, 2. Organizational education, 3. The quality of strategic asset, and 4. Innovation. If the company has a high environmental adaptability competency, it will be recommended to develop drug products with prescription (ethical drugs). On the other hand, if the company has a low environmental adaptability competency, it will be recommended to develop over trading counter drugs with an innovative ability.</p> Syuhada Sufian ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:08 +0700 INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP, MOTIVATION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES AT MUAMALAT BANK BRANCH SEMARANG <p>The biggest challenge in the era of globalization and free market competition is so tight is not limited by the time and place, it should be addressed proactively by professionals both internally and externally. One of the internal factors that can be controlled and be the deciding factor in order to keep the company growing and winning a competition is human resources. This research aimed to analyze the influence of leadership, work motivation and career development on performance. The research sample is Bank Muamalat branch of Semarang. The primary data collected with the distribution of questionnaires to respondents. Data were analyzed by descriptive method for analyzing quantitative data and stated with qualitative. Then to interpretation the results of calculation and complete the picture obtained from the analysis of qualitative data to solve the problems examined. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression with SPSS regression coefficient test results Leadership (X1) 0.302, Motivation (X2) 0.378 and Career Development (X3) 0.537, the positive three significantly to performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that the leadership and can be effect significant positively on performance, motivation positive and significant impact to the performance and career development is also positive and significant impact on performance. Results Adjusted R Square of 0.79. means 79% of the performance variation can be explained by the three independent variables. The ANOVA test results obtained the F value of 83.847 count with the  significance of 0.00, so it concluded simultaneously leadership, motivation and career development affect on the performance or the model that is in use either.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keyword</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>:</strong> leadership, motivation, career and performance.</p> Agus Murdiyanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:09 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF COMPETENCY AND MOTIVATION TO EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WITH ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR AS MODERATING VARIABLE (Study on Traffic Accident Investigators, Central Java Police Department) <p class="Default">This study is aimed to analyze the influence of competency and motivation to performance with organizational citizenship behavior as moderating variable. The sample of this study is taken from traffic accident investigators, Central Java Police Department using simple random sampling technique. There are 210 respondents taken from the total population.  This study uses multiple linear regression to analyze the influence of competency and motivation to performance. Linear regression interaction is used to analyze whether organizational citizenship behavior becomes moderating variable in the influence of competency to performance and motivation to performance. The result of this study shows that competency and motivation positively significantly influence performance. Organizational citizenship behavior is moderating variable strengthening the influence of competency and motivation to performance. </p><p class="Default"> </p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Competency, Motivation, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Performance B. Suko Priyono, Euis Soliha, Tristiana Rijanti, Ruzi Gusman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:09 +0700 THE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL AND RESISTANCE TO CHANGE AGAINST PERFORMANCE, MEDIATED BY CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR ( Study on Badan Keswadayaan Masyarakat in Pekalongan ) <p>This study purpose to analyze and describe the influence of Psychological Capital and Resistance to Changes towards OCB; Psychological Capital, Resistance to Changes and OCB agains Performance; also OCB Mediation effect to the relationship between Psychological Capital and Resistance to Changes with Performance. Using a quantitative method by questionnaire to 168 samples with at least high school education level and 2 years minimum active period. The results showed that: (1) Psychological Capital has a positive and significant impact on OCB; (2) Resistance to Change has a significant negative effect on OCB; (3) Psychological Capital has a positive and significant effect on performance; (4) Changes resistance have insignificant negative effect on the performance; (5)OCB has a positive and significant effect on the performance; (6) Psychological Capital along with Changes resistance affecting OCB with R<sup>2</sup>= 0,255; (7) Concurrently Psychological Capital, Changes resistance and OCB affecting performance with R<sup>2</sup> = 0,421; (8) Capital Psychology has a direct influence on the performance, greater than the indirect effect through OCB while OCB fully mediate on the relationship between Resistance Changes and Performance.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:  </strong>BKM, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Psychological Capital,  Performance, Resistance to Change.</p> Darsari Resti Artanti, Hasan Abdul Rozak, Endang Tjahjaningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:10 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF WORK STRESS, WORK ENVIRONMENT, AND JOB SATISFACTION ON JOB PERFORMANCE (Case Study at Class II Navigation District Office of Semarang) <p>This study was aimed to determine the influence of work stress, work environment, and job satisfaction on servantsjob performance at Class II District Navigation Office of Semarang. Purposive sampling method for  50 respondents was applied. Afterward, multiple linear regression analysis was conducted. Surely, data quality tests such as validity test, reliability test, and classical assumption test were applied previously. When some requirements related to data quality  were fulfilled, then hypothesis testing was done. Based on hypothesis testing, Hypothesis 1 (Negatively, work stress influences servants job performance) was accepted. Hypothesis 2 (Work environment influences servants job performance) was not supported. Last, Hypothesis 3 (Job satisfaction influences servants job performance) was accepteed.</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Work Stress, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance</p> Demy Suryantari, Edhy Sutanto K, Sri Imaningati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:10 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP STYLE, WORK ENVIRONMENT, EDUCATION, AND WORK DISCIPLINE ON SERVANTS JOB PERFORMANCE (Case Study of Class I Harbour-Master and Port Authority Office of Tanjung Emas Semarang) <p>This research  was aimed  to prove the influence of  leadership style, work environment, education, and work discipline on servants job performance of Class I Harbour-Master and Port Authority Office of Tanjung Emas Semarang). Through sensus sampling, all of 128 servants were selected as respondents. Through hypothesis testing,  leadership style did not influence servants job performance. Then, work environment positively influenced servants job performance. Education positively influenced servants job performance. The last, work discipline influenced servants job performance positively.</p><p> </p><strong>Keywords :</strong> Leadership Style, Work Environment, Education, Work Discipline, and Servants Job Performance Freddy Visba, Muliawan Hamdani, Fitri Lukiastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:10 +0700 THE EFFECTS OF INTERNET STRATEGYANDSTRATEGIC LEADERSHIPTOWARD ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE (The Private Universities at Kopertis Region VII Central Java) <div class="WordSection1"><p>The objective of this study is to examine the influences of internet strategy and strategic leadership on organizational performance via competitive advantage as mediating variable. Internet strategy and strategic leadership are independent variables, competitive advantage is the mediating variable, and organizational performance is the dependent variable of the study. The prepositions, internet strategy has a significant positive relationship with competitive advantage. Strategic leadership has an important positive association withcompetitive advantage. Internet strategy has a significant positive relationship with organizational performance. Strategic leadership has a significant positive relationship with organizational performance. Andcompetitive advantagehas a significant positive relationship with organizational performance.</p><p> <strong>Keywords: </strong>Internet strategy, Strategic Leadership, CompetitiveAdvantage, Organizational Performance</p></div><br clear="all" /><h1 align="left"> </h1> Harini Abrilia Setyawati, Sigit Wibawanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:11 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE TO ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOR: MEDIATION EFFECT OF WORKPLACE SPIRITUALITY <p>The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of spiritual leadership and emotional intelligence  toward OCB with workplace spirituality as an intervening variable. The method used in this study is a quantitative analysis method. The samples using non-probability sampling method with purposive random sampling. Data were analyzed using path analyses and conducted in Islamic Yunior High School in Kebumen. Respondent are some 250 teachers. The results showed that the spiritual leadership and emotional intelligence positivly affecting on OCB. In addition workplace spirituality is able to mediate the influence of spiritual leadership and emotional intelligence of the OCB.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong> :    spiritual leadership, emotional intelligence, workplace spirituality, organizational citizenship behaviour</p> Irfan Helmy, Gunarso Wiwoho ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:11 +0700 READINESS OF PRE-RETIREMENT EMPLOYEES TO FACE RETIREMENT: THE ROLE OF INDIVIDUAL FACTORS AND ORGANIZATIONAL FACTORS WITH SOCIAL SUPPORT AS MODERATING VARIABLE (Studies of Civil Servants in North Sulawesi, Indonesia) <p>Retirement should be a time to look forward by employees because they can take a break from the duties and responsibilities of his job after such a long time to serve. But some studies show that not all employees turned out to be ready to face the coming pension. This study aims to determine the effect of individual factors and organizational factors as well as social support towards the readiness of pre-retirement employees towards retirement. The research was conducted on civil servants who will retire in North Sulawesi province, Indonesia. By using purposive sampling techniques, this research obtained 106 respondents, but only 100 respondents who complete answer were used in the data analysis. The process of the data analysis done by using a software of SPSS for Window version 20.0.<br /> The results of this study indicate that individual factors such as retirement preparation and preparation of substitute activities significantly influence the retirement readiness. While organizational factors such as the retirement preparation programs do not affect the retirement readiness. Social support was found play a role as a moderating variable between individual factors with retirement readiness. But on the other hand, Social support as a moderating variable between organizational factors with retirement readiness in this study was not supported.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> retirement readiness, financial preparation, preparation of substitute activities, retirement benefits, social support.</p> Lieli Suharti, Vony Tasumewada ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:11 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF EDUCATION, TRAINING, WORK EXPERIENCE, JOB SATISFACTION, COMPENSATION, AND WORK MOTIVATIONON JOB PERFORMANCE OF SERVANTS OF PT BANK BTN OF SEMARANG OPERATIONAL AREA <p>The bank's performance is determined very much by the performance of its servants. This study examinedsome factors that could influence the performance of the bank servants. In the real fact, performance is influenced by various factors such as education, training, experience, job satisfaction, compensation.and motivation. The population of study was  210 employees of Bank BTN of Semarang Operational Area and 70 of them were selected as samples. The analysis tools applied was linear regression. Based on hypothesis testing done, allhypotheses were accepted. In this study, the level of education, training, work experience, job satisfaction,compensation,  and motivation positive influenced the servants job performance of Bank BTN of Semarang Operational Area. Therefore, this banking institutions should increase the positive values associated with 6variables and also build positive organizational atmosphere through policies formulating.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Education, Training, Work Experience, Job Satisfaction, Compensation, Work Motivation, Employee Performance, Bank BTN of Semarang Operational Area.</p> Puspo Jumadianto, Fitri Lukiastuti, Yanuar Rahmansyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:14 +0700 CONTRIBUTION OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP TO THE HEAD DEPARTMENT LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS <p>Higher educations play important role in effort to develop a nation. Good quality of a higher education will contribute to the progress of the nation. The quality of higher education can be seen from the quality of its leader. Head of department  has an important role in advancing the department head, then in turn contributing to the quality of a university. The current research aimed to examine the leadership styles of head of departments and their leadership effectiveness. The research used 60 lecturers to be respondents. Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire 5X (MLQ) was used. Research findings showed that the department heads exhibited combination of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles. Research findings also indicated that dimensions of transformational leadership: idealized influence (behavior), inspirational motivation, individualized consideration were consistent with the norm of MLQ (fairly often). While for dimensions of transactional leadership, contingent reward and management by exception-active and passive were also consistent with the norm of MLQ (sometimes). The rest were not suitable with the norm of MLQ, namely: idealized influence (attributed), intellectual stimulation, and laissez-faire. The findings also indicated that combinations of transformational and transactional leadership styles of head departments were more effective if compared with the single contribution of leadership style. The research findings implied empirically to the implementation of transformational leadership style in the field and theoritically to the body of transformational leadership style theory of department head.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>department head, transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles, leadership effectiveness</p> Suhana Suhana, Lie Lianna, Tristiana Rijanti, Askar Yunianto, Vika Lutfiyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:14 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND SUPERVISORY SUPPORT ON INTERDEPARTMENTAL TURNOVER INTENTION BY USING CAREER PLATEAU AS MODERATING VARIABLE. (Study at Ambarawa Hospital District) <p>Needs on changes that should be implemented in a hospital environment, reorganization and slow progress of experience which is felt by employees will make career development perception in the hospital. Whether the employees cannot get their hopes about the career opportunities, it will change the expectations and behavior, even the employees have an intention to move interdepartmental. This research is to know and analyze the influence of career development and supervisory support on interdepartmental turnover intention by using career plateau as moderating variable at District Hospital of Ambarawa. Census method is used as sampling method by involving 85 employees of administration department of Ambarawa Hospital District. Research result shows that career development negatively influences interdepartmental turnover intention, supervisory support does not influence interdepartmental turnover intention, careeer plateau moderates the influence of career development on interdepartmental turnover intention, careeer plateau moderates the influence of supervisory support on interdepartmental turnover intention.</p><p> </p><strong>Keywords:</strong>  Career Development, Supervisory Support, Career Plateau, Interdepartmental Turnover Intention Tristiana Rijanti, Bambang Suko Priyono Suko Priyono, Arif Purwanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:14 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY AND MOTIVATION TO TEACHER PERFORMANCE WITH ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT AS MEDIATING VARIABLE (Empirical study on Teachers of 15 State Senior High School, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia) <p>This study is aimed to examine and analyze the influence of professional competency and motivation to teacher performance with organizational commitment as mediating variable on teachers of 15 State Senior High School, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. This research uses field research with quantitative approach. The population in this study is 60 teachers of 15 State Senior High School, Semarang. All of the total population is taken as sample. The analysis is conducted using multiple linear regression. Regression test is done to test hypothesis and mediation effect.</p><p>The result of this study shows that (1) Professional competency positively  significantly influences organizational commitment; (2) Motivation positively  significantly influences organizational commitment; (3) Professional competency  positively significantly influences teacher performance, (4) Motivation positively significantly influences teacher performance, (5) Organizational commitment positively significantly teacher performance, 6) Oganizational commitment does not mediate the influence of  professional competency to teacher performance, (7) Organizational commitment does not  mediate the influence of motivation to teacher performance</p><p> <strong>Keywords:</strong> professional competency, motivation, organizational commitment, teacher performance</p> Warsiah ., Yeye Susilowati, Elen Puspitasari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:15 +0700 PROPOSING A STUDY ON GLOBAL WATER SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING <p>This paper offers a study on the sustainability reporting which focus on the water used by agricultural company. Using the positivist quantitative empirical paradigm this study intends to explore the extent of water sustainability reports of the global top 500 agriculture companies in several countries by using quantitative empirical study. A large scale dataset will be used for statistical analysis and hypotheses testing based on legitimacy theory tenets which will be employed in this research. Bearing in mind that this paper is a part of upcoming research, thus no result will be presented at this stage.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Water sustainability, disclosure, legitimate theory</p> Indah Fajarini Sri Wahyuningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:15 +0700 THE INFLUENCE OF PERSONALITY AND PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE TO TEACHERS PERFORMANCE MODERATE BY ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE (A Study on Teacher Vocational School of Business and Management in Semarang) <p>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of personality and professional competence to teachers performance moderate by organizational culture. This research type is an explanatory research using quantitative data. The population in this study were all teachers of SMK Negeri Business and Management in Semarang amounted to  128 as respondents. The techniques of data analyze used in this study include validity, reliability formula Cronbach alpha,  test for normality, heteroscedasticity test, a test model (goodness of fit model), test coefisien determination R Square ( R<sup>2</sup> ), and hypothesis test (t test). The results showed that personality, professional competence and organizational culture positively influence to teachers performance, but the organizational culture does not moderate the influence of personality and professional competency to teachers performance.</p><p> </p>Keywords: personality, professional competence, organizational culture and teachers performance Sulistyawati ., Yeye Susilowati, Nur Aini ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:15 +0700 ISLAMIC BANKING INDUSTRY IN ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY (AEC): CONSEQUENCES IN LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND PRACTICES <p>Having suffered an inevitable slowdown during the global financial crisis, Islamic finance is once again on the rise, with growth now being seen outside the traditional heartlands of the Middle East and South East Asia and taking on an ever more innovative and global flavour. ASEAN Economic Integration has provided the platform for ASEAN countries to restructure their finance sectors and move forward to better cooperation among economies.  There are 2 factors for consideration. The internal restructuring of the finance sector has direct impact on employees through the merger and acquisition process.  The external factor in the form of the region helps facilitate the movement of investment. ASEAN leaders have embarked the Southeast Asian association to the next step of economic development, which will also ultimately bring the Southeast Asian peoples closer. They have engaged since 2007 towards the integration of ASEAN into an ASEAN Economic community. The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) project’s integrated ASEAN economic region has been built on four pillars of integration: (i) a single market and production base, (ii) a competitive economic region, (iii) equitable economic development, and (iv) integration with the global economy. In banking, the ASEAN market’s increasingly free flow of products and services will open up growth opportunities in both retail and wholesale. What are the consequences of this fact of AEC establishment on Islamic banking industry from the perspective of legal framework and practices will the aim of this paper discussion.</p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Islamic banking – aec – legal framework – practices</p> Abdurrahman RadenAjiHaqqi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Dec 2016 07:14:15 +0700 READINESS COMPETITIVENESS INDUSTRIAL SECTOR IN CENTRAL JAVA BECOME A MAJOR PLAYERS AND A WINNER IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AEC Improving the quality of Indonesian human life, increasing productivity and competitiveness in the international<br />market, as well as realizing economic independence by moving the strategic sectors of the domestic economy, is a part<br />of the purpose of the future goals of Government Jokowi-JK. To achieve the goals and objectives of development of the<br />industry, which has strong competitiveness, it takes a strategy and a good road map to becoming a major player and<br />winner in the implementation of the AEC.The steps of the strategic formulation of the policy of strengthening the<br />capacity of human resources and institutional capabilities in the sector of the industry is absolutely have to keep<br />conducted. Construction of infrastructure industry, construction of green industry and strategic industries, increasing the<br />use of resources and the products of local wisdom, as well as increased international cooperation in the field of industry<br />should also continue to be carried out sustainably.The granting of appreciation toward invention and innovation<br />products of domestic industry and creative industries to improving productivity and competitiveness should continue in<br />order to keep the industrial sector still can be a major player and leading sectors in the implementation of the AEC and<br />the sustainable development of the National and Central Java.<br />Keywords: Industrial Competitiveness, Leading Sector in the implementation of Asean Economic Community (AEC) P. Eko Prasetyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE DISTRICT GOVERNMENT SOUTH MINAHASA YEAR 2012-2014 IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REGIONAL AUTONOMY The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the performance of the District Government South Minahasa in<br />the manage revenue and expenditure budget for fiscal year 2012-2014. The data used is the budget and realization<br />reports of the District Government South Minahasa. The method used in this study is descriptive method.<br />The research shows that the Local Original Revenue (LOR) has impact on financial performance. We find that the<br />performance of District Government South Minahasa is still poor to manage LOR. But the District Government South<br />Minahasa performance to manage the budget is good enough which views of none actual expenditures in excess of the<br />budgeted.<br />Keywords: local government, budget, expenditure, earnings of area genuiness (lor), area iease, area retribution,<br />regional financial performance. Ria Steklara Mangindaan, Gregorius N. Masdjojo, Wieny Ardriyati ##submission.copyrightStatement## MAPPING THE CREATIVE, CULINARY, AND FASHION INDUSTRIES YOGYAKARTA INDONESIA IN COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IMPROVEMENT, SUPPORTING TOURISM AND WELCOMING ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY The mapping of Indonesian creative, culinary, and fashion industries become a great potential as tourist attractions. As<br />such industries were supporting the economy growth there were few emperical studies that have been conducted in the<br />area. The purpose of this study was to conduct mapping of creative, culinary and fashion industries in Yogyakarta<br />Indonesia to support tourism strategy and welcoming the asean economic community. The upcoming creative economy<br />development in 2025 is a manifestation of optimism and overflow aspiration to support Indonesia's vision becoming a<br />developed country. There would be ideals, imagination and dreams for the community with high quality of life,<br />prosperity and creativity. Creative economy in the world today is believed to contribute significantly to the economy<br />growth. By the use of questionaire surveys to carry out mapping the industries for the tourism attractions the result<br />showes that the creative,culinary and fashion industries in Yogyakarta are still scattered in various regions and some<br />districts of the city. Though the basic policies of the government established toward food trader (culinary) and fashion<br />they have not been adhered throughly by the industries.<br />Keywords: Creative, Culinary, Fashion Industries, Competitive Advantage, Indonesia Titop Dwi Winarno, Titi Laras, Ferri Kuswantoro ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF HOUSEHOLDS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDSWASTE SEGREGATION As consumption and production increase, waste problems emerge since the consumption is not followed by the proper<br />post-consumption activities such as waste management. Today waste management becomes a current issue in various<br />field studies, including marketing. This descriptive research aims to analyze the cognitive, affective, conative attitudes<br />of households towards waste segregation. The primary data are collected from 100 households which are drawn with<br />convenience technique. The descriptive data are analyzed by using five boxes index analysis method. The findings<br />prove that the cognitive attitude has a very high index value. It means that samples have knowledge and belief on the<br />importance of the waste segregation and for family, other people and environment. The affective attitudes shows a low<br />index, indicating that most of the respondents feel uncomfortable in doing waste segregation due to some reasons.<br />Conative attitude has a high index values, reveals that most of the respondents have a positive tendency to do the waste<br />segregation regularly, educate and invite family and other people to do waste segregation. This research is expected to<br />bring significant contributions for understanding the disposal attitude and provide insight for developing a more<br />effective waste management campaign.<br />Keywords: attitudes, cognitive, affective, conative, waste segregation, disposal, household Titik Desi Harsoyo, Etsa Astridya Setiyati ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE RELATIONSHIP OF CORRUPTION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH <p>The purpose of this study was to reveal the relationship between corruption and economic growth. The method used in this<br />study was the pooling data. Number of cross-section data were14 countries and times-series data werenine years. The best<br />model obtained from redundant fixed effect test, correlated random effects-Hausman test and technical consideration. The<br />model was fixed effect model. Based on regression output, corruption havepositif significant to 12 Asia Pasific countries<br />economic growth. So, corruption are not become a grease of wheel for economic that countries. If corruption (corruption<br />perception index/CPI) increase, economic growth increase too. While, other variables like FDI, and government budget for<br />healthy have positive significant to the economic growth. Actually, onlyfivecountries in which the CPI variable<br />significantly to economic growth. Two countries have positif significant (Japan and Korea) and anotherhave negatif<br />significant (Brunei Darussalam,Timor Leste, and Kamboja).</p><p>Keywords: CPI, economics growth, pooling data, none, fixed, and grease of wheel</p> Sri Nawatmi, Agung Nusantara, Sri Isnowati ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE ROLE OF FAIR TRADE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISES (LEARNING FROM THAILAND) <p>The increasing complexity of problems in society requires the involvement of social entrepreneurs. A social<br />entrepreneur is someone who understands social problems and uses one’s entrepreneurial skills to solve the problems<br />(social changes) through establishing a social enterprise. A social enterprise is a business that implements a combination<br />of a social mission and a business mission. As is known, to be able to do social changes, funds are needed which can be<br />obtained if the business activities generate profit. Globalization causes an increase in intensity of competition, which<br />forces business organizations to find a way to reduce costs. This situation makes the various parties involved in<br />production activities have to reduce prices, in which the victims are often small actors who have no bargaining power<br />such as artisans, farmers, etc. Fair trade is a trading system that strives to help producers who are marginalized through<br />a system of fair pay, decent working conditions, technical assistance (such as designs and bookkeeping), social<br />programs, equality, transparency, mutual trust, and environmental protection. It is one of the efforts done to create a<br />sustainable economy and new markets among developing countries, while on the other hand, to maintain the values and<br />local traditions. By working through fair trade, efforts to reduce production costs can be avoided to a certain extent.<br />This paper intends to examine how fair trade is involved in the management of social enterprises. It takes the cases of<br />social enterprises in Thailand. The research issues to be examined are: (1) What are the characteristics of social<br />entrepreneurs? (2) How does fair trade support social enterprises? (3) What are the challenges faced by social<br />enterprises that engage in fair trade? This study is a qualitative research, based on 4 case studies in Thailand. A crosscase<br />analysis is used.</p><p><br />Keywords: social entrepreneurship, social enterprises, fair trade</p> Lieli Suharti, Hani Sirine, Somboon Panyakom ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION ON PUBLIC GOVERNANCE AMONG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT IN INDONESIA <p>This study aims to investigate the impact of financial condition on public governance among provincial government in<br />Indonesia. Short-term solvency and financial flexibility were used as a proxy for financial condition. Meanwhile, public<br />governance was measured by The Index of Governance published by The Partnership for Governance Reform of<br />Indonesia. Local Government’s age was used as a control variable. Thirty three provincial governments indexed by The<br />Partnership for Governance Reform of Indonesia 2012were used as a sample. Results from multiple regression analysis<br />show that short-term solvency has a positive and significant association with the Governance Index (Public<br />Governance), but financial flexibility does not. Meanwhile, F-Test shows that financial condition variables<br />simultaneously affect public governance among provincial government in Indonesia. The result implies that a good<br />financial condition will make it easier for provincial government to implement good governance. Hence, good public<br />governance need a good financial conditions.</p><p>Keywords : Financial Conditions, Local Government, Public Governance, Local Autonomy</p> Handoko A Hasthoro, Henry Sarnowo, Nurwiyanta . ##submission.copyrightStatement## EMPOWERMENT MODEL FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM HANDICRAFTS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS ON THE PERFORMANCE TO PRESERVE LOCAL CULTURE IN SEMARANG CITY he handicraftof Semarang City is one of Indonesia's cultural heritages which must be preserved by the local culture of<br />Semarang. Recently, the Government of Semarang Cityhas begun to develop the handicraftculture of Semarang city as<br />Semarang’s regional identity through the preservation programof Semaranganhandicraft. The aims of the studywere to<br />identify and analyze the business performance of the craftsmen in Semarang Citybased on the studies on the aspects of<br />production, distribution, market, and information technology. The problem was the reduced number of the craftsmen<br />that fluctuated each year. When conducting the research, the number of craftsmen was 33 craftsmen in Semarang City.<br />The business performance analysis of handicraft in Semarang used the approach of SCP (structure-conductperformance)<br />started from the analysis of market structure, conduct analysis and performance analysis. The analysis<br />results of SCP (structure-conduct-performance) shows that the market structure of handicraft businesses in Semarang<br />Cityis an oligopoly market. The conduct analysis included theconduct elementsof product price, product and market. In<br />the handicraft price, the conduct indicates that 71 percent of the priceswere determined by the craftsmen. From the<br />element of handicraft products, itshows that 74 percent of the respondents chose to diversify handicraft products. In<br />other hand, the market element as shown by marketing distribution shows that 63 percent of the craftsmen sold directly<br />to end consumers, especially when thehandicraft fairs were held, while 25 per cent of them, before reaching<br />consumers,were distributed through buyers (order owner). Twelve percent were distributed through<br />handicrafttradersand export. The Performance Analysis was seen from the element of handicraft businessesprofitability,<br />through Return/Cash ratio (R/C ratio) and ROA (Return on Assets). In the small scale of business, themean of R/C ratio<br />is1.85 and themean of ROA is 0.58. This shows that the handicraft businesses in Semarang City are still profitable and<br />have good prospects for development in preserving Semarang’s local culture.<br />Keywords: Performance, handicraft, SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance) Ariati Anomsari, Yupie Kusumawardani ##submission.copyrightStatement## MEA IMPACT ANALYSIS OF EXPORT INDONESIA Countries that are members of the ASEAN economic integration has been agreed for the implementation of Asean<br />Economic Community or AEC since the end of 2015. The positive impact is more smooth flow of import-export,<br />services, investment, skilled labor, and capital inflows due to international trade barriers that there is more alleviated or<br />even eliminated. The condition is an opportunity as well as a threat. Opportunities for countries that can compete with<br />other MEA countries members of the human resources, product quality and so forth. The threat is that when the MEA<br />countries are unable to compete with the other member countries of the MEA.<br />The export value of Indonesia after the enactment of the MEA to reach US $ 12.63 billion, decreasing by 0.74 percent.<br />Non-oil exports in August 2016 reached US $ 11.50 billion, compared to exports in August 2015 rose by 2.76 percent.<br />While the value of Indonesian imports in August 2016 reached US $ 12.34 billion, down 0.49 percent compared to<br />August 2015. Non-oil imports in August 2016 reached US $ 10.58 billion when compared to August 2015 rose 2.84<br />percent. Oil imports in August 2016 reached US $ 1.76 billion, down 16.71 percent compared to August 2015.<br />In general decline in the value of Indonesian exports and imports that occur due to weakening global economic activity,<br />the supply and demand of goods decreased, decreased purchasing power, declining domestic investment, government<br />spending (Government Spending) decreased for the budget outcome is currently not optimal.<br />Keywords: Impact MEA, Export, Import, Indonesia Nur Khasanah, Prihartini Budi Astuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## ENHANCEMENT EFFORT OF POOR HOUSEHOLD INCOME THROUGH WOMAN EMPOWERMENT IN PRODUCING INDIGO PASTE AS NATURAL COLORING FOR BATIK (Study Case on Batik Craftsman In Gunung Pati District, Semarang) The aim of this study is to know the impact of women empowerment in producing paste for natural coloring from indigo<br />leaf. The production of batik is able to employ informal workers which mostly could be a female worker. In this case,<br />empowering women to produce batik use indigo tree for making paste as natural coloring which is environmentally friendly,<br />some batik craftsmen are interested to use paste from indigo leaf. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Object<br />of this research is batik craftsman especially female in Gunung Pati District, Semarang. Result of this research is that they<br />have optimized the production of indigo tree paste as natural coloring for batik. The problem of this research is that the<br />batik craftsman has lack knowledge and isn’t brave to try appropriate technology. Besides that, tools supply cost is<br />expensive enough. Solutions offered to the partners through discussion group model by involving the partners and<br />implementation of tools are to enhance the business. In addition, partners’ accompaniment is applied in order to help the<br />production of chopper and mixer for making indigo paste. Moreover, counseling about business management can affect to<br />the income enhancement. The accompaniment is from Dedication Team for Society which is funded by Research and<br />Technology Ministry (Dikti). The output target is Human Resource Enhancement through the using of appropriate tools<br />with simple work system which can produce much more paste based on its production level and its quality. The specific<br />target is income enhancement of the partner, batik craftsman, through woman empowerment.<br />Keywords : woman empowerment, informal workers, indigo paste, income enhancement Sri Rahayuningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE GOVERNMENT BUDGET DEFICIT AND THE REAL SECTOR IN INDONESIA <p>The main aims of the study are examine the effect of Indonesian government budget deficit which is financed from<br />internal and external debt: (i) the private sector which is predicted will lead crowding-out of private consumption<br />expenditures; (ii) foreign sector which is related with the trade balance or the twin deficits phenomenon and (iii) The<br />role of domestic interest rate to connect fiscal policy. The sources of data which are used in this study are secondary<br />data. The sources are published by many institutions. One of them is Indonesian Statistic books (Indonesian Bureau of<br />Statistic) from various years. Other sources are International Financial Statistics yearbook, Balance of Payment Statistic<br />yearbook and government financial Statistic yearbook which is published by IMF and Statistik Keuangan Ekonomi<br />Indonesia which is publised by Bank Indonesia. Our dataset consists of annual report from 1985 to 2011. The analysis<br />used simultaneous equations structural framework. The conclusion of the study shows that, (i) there is no crowding-out<br />effect on private consumption. It means the government budget deficit increased with relevance on government<br />spending then it has an impact on the decrease in private consumption level but not significant (ii) There is no twin<br />deficits problem in Indonesia. It means the increasing in government budget deficits does not raise the trade deficits (iii)<br />The domestic interest rate is significant to influence the demand for money. These results highligt the importance of<br />fiscal policies to manage government budget balances and arrage the interest rate related with the real sector.</p><p>Keywords: Government budget deficit; crowding-out consumption; twin deficits</p> Erni Ummi Hasanah, Danang Wahyudi, Joko P Nugroho ##submission.copyrightStatement##