• R.A. Marlien
  • Ali Maskur
  • Mulyobudi Setiawan


Purpose- This study focuses on customer involvement in planning and deciding the products and services that will be purchased through a salespeople. Companies, salespeople and customers have the resources and competencies are different, they work together to achieve a common goal. The marketing concept that puts the customer as recipients of products and services called centered on enterprise (firm-centric) means that companies that have the resources initiative to create products and services while customers are passive party. Developments in information technology led to the company changing the paradigm becomes centered on the customer (customer-centric). Customers actively involved in the creation of a value corresponding to the desired and the customer experience. This study of the relationship between companies and customers that are based on the theory of collaboration, customer value and relationship marketing. This study was conducted on the insurance companies because of the nature of the recruitment of customers in introducing the product benefits, the role of the salespeople is very intense. Salespeople than as a power marketer in introducing the product also acts as a financial consultant in explaining the invested capital as well as in the long run. Metodelogi- method used to analyze the model is multiple regression with respondents in the customer life insurance company in Semarang a sample of 100 respondents customers.

Findings- The results of this study to establish the basic theoretical and empirical models based on the theory of relationship marketing and customer value.


Keywords: customer participation, collaboration, customer perceived value, salespeson, co-creation
