The Influence Of Product Quality And Facilities On Customer Satisfaction At Mie Gacoan House Semarang

  • Vierllyn Siska Dian Erlita Universitas Stikubank
  • Agus Budi Santosa
Keywords: Product Quality, Facilities, Customer Satisfaction


Business growth and changes in business direction have had an impact on lifestyle changes in Indonesian society. Under these conditions, businesses are required to be able to adapt to conditions and changes. Factors that need to be considered by the company's management to provide satisfaction to customers is are quality of the products to be marketed and the facilities. This study aimed to analyze the effect of product quality and facilities on customer satisfaction at Mie Gacoan restaurants in Semarang. This research method was quantitative with purposive sampling technique. The object of research were customers who bought products from Mie Gacoan Semarang restaurants. The research data was obtained using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The study concluded that the variable quality of products and facilities had a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction
