Abstract -Semarang City is one of the cities that is building its city program to advance in the movement of 100 cities or districts to smartcity, one of which is by providing free wifi services in Semarang City parks. With the public services provided by the Semarang city government, it will be useful to support internet needs among modern society. But many people do not yet know the location of places from free park wifi and the nearest route to the location of the free wifi park. The purpose of this study was to design and realize the search for free Semarang garden paths using the dijkstra algorithm.
The design of the free Semarang wifi park path search application using the dijkstra algorithm is made using tools such as PHP, Xampp, Bootstrap, Android Studio.
The results of the free Semarang wifi garden path search application using the dijkstra algorithm that can be downloaded in the playstore. With this application it helps provide information about the location of free wifi parks in the city of Semarang and the completion of the shortest route using the dijkstra algorithm is considered more efficient because this algorithm searches for the lowest weight of the route traveled.
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