Abstract- Daily activities are easier with the presence of telecommunications devices called mobile phones. In addition to being used to communicate voice with the other person, the phone also has other capabilities, which can be used to send text messages more popular with the name of SMS. Applications that will be developed in this research is the application of picket scheduling on web-based Semarang Akpol. With this picket scheduling information app, the announcement of a manual picket schedule can be made into electronic scheduling, so that information errors can be avoided. The application of picket scheduling information is designed to be accessible via the web, and the system can send SMS reminder as a reminder that a certain day there is a picket schedule. System development method used in this research is prototype, system design using UML and system implementation using PHP, GAMMU and MySQL.
The results in this study were picket scheduling application can send reminders as a reminder that particular day there were picket schedule before 3 day itinerary to the police picket automatically Semarang Police Academy
Keywords – Scheduling, Reminder System, Akpol Semarang GAMMU, PHP, MySQL
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