Abstract- Problems that occur in Jawisari Village Limbangan subdistrict required the system of population administration. Population system to be developed must support the service to the community, one of the media used is the information technology media to form an electronic government (e-government) concept that contains the population administration system. The benefits of e-government implementation in each layer is to improve the function of public services and improve the performance of human resources and directly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Jawisari Kecamatan Limbangan. System development method used in this research is Waterfall, system design using UML and system implementation using PHP and MySQL.
The result of this research is E-Government web-based population administration system at Jawisari Village District Limbangan Kendal District can be used for introduction of identity card making, making of family card, birth, arrival, moving, death and IMB
Keywords – E-Government, Jawisari Village District Limbangan, PHP, MySQL
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