Abstract- Currently Ngadirgo village library still uses a catalog system printed on the paper in the form of a catalog card, so to get information about the library books will be very much in need of energy and time. The lending system also uses a record-keeping system in the form of membership cards, so it will spend a lot of time and energy in the event of book borrowing past due time, certain return of books, or many books borrowed, it will require the search process and the process of tabulation of data long enoughSystem development method used in this research is Waterfall, system design using UML and system implementation using PHP and MySQL.
The results of this research are Ngadirgo web-based library system can be used to manage the recording of borrowing transactions or the return of books and the making of reports required by Ngadirgo village library.
Keywords – Ngadirgo Village Library, Lending, PHP, MySQL
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