Abstract - Today notebook is the stuff that is very often used by the public in helping job typing, data entry, playing games and so on. Unfortunately, there are still many people in our society who do not know about the specifications of the notebook they would buy that causes people tend to be less precise in choosing a notebook that they will use later. People were thinking that lay mostly in buying a great notebook, must be purchased at high prices. In fact, by knowing the desired specifications can reduce the costs incurred by the buyer in order to save the expenses that will be spent without compromising the ability of notebook itself.
Keywords: Notebook, Election Notebook, Notebook Finder, Android
Abstrak - Penggunaan smartphone dan notebook pada saat ini sudah sangat menjamur dikalangan masyarakat. Namun karena mobilitas yang sangat tinggi itulah masyarakat enggan pergi ke toko hanya untuk mencari informasi mengenai notebook yang akan dibeli.
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai yaitu adalah membuat apikasi pemilihan notebook berdasarkan spesifikasi dan harga agar memudahkan masyarakat dalam melihat katalog secara online.
Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan dimanapun dan kapanpun karena terkoneksi oleh jaringan internet. Namun sayangnya belum terdapat letak lokasi service center yang disediakan didalamnya.
Kata kunci : Notebook, Pemilihan Notebook, Notebook Finder, Android