Abstract :
Kwan Sing Bio temple is one of the largest place of
worship in the city of Semarang. Any information that you want to search about Kwan Sing Bio Temple in Semarang only by phone or speech community. This makes the introduction of Kwan Sing Bio temple in Semarang. The research problem is ordering candles in temple Kwan Sing Bio Semarang are still in a certain range.
This study aims to extend the reservation candles on Kwan Sing Bio temple in Semarang, so the people who want to put a light or candle in the temple of Kwan Sing Bio Semarang can do it online. Analytical tools used are DFD (Data Flow Diagram) and ERD. The software used is Dreamweaver MX.
Analysis and design results are expected to help and provide convenience for customers ordering candles. And simplify the management of candle orders.
Candle booking website is intended as a form offers convenience for customers. With the online booking these customers no longer need to ask the details of each product and to place an order candle wax easily.
Keywords Reservations, candles, KwanSingBio Temple