Prioritizing Pregnant Mother at Risk of Stunting: An Analytic Network Process Approach

  • Taufiq Dwi Cahyono Universitas Semarang
  • Wiwien Hadikurniawati Universitas Stikubank


Stunting occurs due to malnutrition which inhibits growth in toddlers. Stunting can also be caused by problems during pregnancy. This study aims to identify the risk of stunting during pregnancy and determine pregnant women who are at risk of this condition. By identifying and prioritizing critical factors that contribute to stunting in children under five, this research is expected to assist policy makers in developing effective solutions to reduce stunting rates. Handling the problem of stunting is important for the Government because it relates to the future generation of Golden Indonesia 2045. This study evaluates appropriate actions or therapies to reduce the risk of having children born with the potential to experience stunting. In the process of selecting pregnant women who are at risk of giving birth to children with the risk of stunting, a selection procedure is carried out that considers several factors such as the mother's age, mother's nutritional intake, arm circumference, hemoglobin level, parity, birth spacing, height, and mother's body mass index (BMI). The analytic network process (ANP) approach is used to determine the outcome of the selection process. The ranking is determined based on the calculation of the weighting of the criteria and sub-criteria in the ANP method. Based on the results of calculations using the ANP approach, PM 1 pregnant women get the highest score and are ranked first. These pregnant women are considered to have the highest risk of giving birth to babies with stunting risk.


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How to Cite
Cahyono, T. D., & Hadikurniawati, W. (2024). Prioritizing Pregnant Mother at Risk of Stunting: An Analytic Network Process Approach. Dinamik, 29(2), 60-67.