Model Data Spasial untuk Sistem Informasi Geografis

  • Dewi Handayani Untari Ningsih


When creating databases for GIS-applications often existing maps are scanned and vectorised for used. However, vectorisation becomes obsolete when GIS-objects can be referred to both in theme and geometry in a raster environment. This article shows to use model spatial data raster and vector for GIS - applications in both the graphical and image structure. Geographical data must first be converted into a computer- readable format before it can be used in a GIS. Spatial data are "elements that can be stored in map form." These elements correspond to a uniquely defined location on the Earth's surface. Spatial data have also been describe as “any data concerning phenomenon a really distributed” in two or more dimensions. (Peuquet and Marble, I990.) Data model is the rules to convert real geographical variation into discrete objects. There are two main GIS data models - vector and raster. Each of the two data models has specific types of data, analysis and displays that can handle better than the other system. The vector model represents geographical reality as a series of discrete objects or features, classified as points, line's or areas (polygons). The geographical co-ordinates describing the locations of these features are stored in the computer database which lies at the heart of the GIS. In the raster model a regular grid of cells, or pixels, is used to encode the features found on the earth's surface. Each pixel has a number associated with it representing; the value of a geographical phenomenon, such as terrain elevation, soil type or biomass. Layers of raster grids covering the same region can be built up to represent further variables.
How to Cite
Ningsih, D. (2003). Model Data Spasial untuk Sistem Informasi Geografis. Dinamik, 8(1).