Sistem Temu Kembali Informasi dengan Pemeringkatan Metode Vector Space Model
The objective of designing information retrieval system (IRS) with Vector Space Model (VSM)Method is to facilitate users to search Indonesian documents. IRS Software is designed to provide
search results with the optimum number of documents (low recall) and accuracy (high precision)
with VSM method that users may get fast and accurate results. VSM method provides a different
credit for each document stored in a database which in turns to determine the document most
similar to the query, where the documents with the highest credits are placed on the top of the
search results. The evaluation of search results with IRS is conducted under recall and precision
tests. This study fascinatingly creates a system which can preprocess (tokenizing, filtering, and
stemming) within computation time of four minutes forty-one seconds.
Keywords: IRS, Vector Space Model, recall, precision
How to Cite
Amin, F. (1). Sistem Temu Kembali Informasi dengan Pemeringkatan Metode Vector Space Model. Dinamik, 18(2).