Author Guidelines

Statement Letter

The Author who submit to FiBaRe : Finance and Banking Review, is required to fill out a Statement regarding the status of the article to be submitted. The Statement Letter is attached when the author makes a submission. The statement letter can be downloaded here

Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted in softcopy using the Open Journal System via

Article manuscripts are written in English

  1. Articles submitted in the form of soft copy in Microsoft Word format.
  2. Book Antiqua font type, size 11, single space and justify.
  3. Articles submitted must be a maximum 10 pages.
  4. The writing style of the article must be consistent/unchanging
  5. The identity of the author (Corresponding Author) must be complete, correct, and clear (include affiliation address and email).
  6. Writing Sub-headings: Sub-headings (level 1) are written in bold, with a capital letter at the beginning of each word, starting from the left of the page. Sub-headings (level 2) are in bold, with a capital letter at the beginning of each word, and start from the left of the page. Sub-headings (level 3) are written in bold, with a capital letter at the beginning of each word, and starting from the left of the page.
  7. Make sure all image and table citations in the text match the files provided
  8. Articles submitted have never been published or given to other media. To ensure that the article has never been published or given to other media, the author must fill out a written publication statement attached in the ojs (link name….. ).
  9. Articles submitted do not contain plagiarism, falsification and / or data falsification.
  10. References used come from primary sources (primary references)