• Sandra Dikna Apriliani


Land* is* a* necessity* that* is* needed* by* every* Indonesian* citizen.* The* purpose* of* this* study* is* to* find* out* and* analyze* the* resolution* of* legal* disputes* against* holders* of* certificates* of* ownership* (double* certificate).* A sense of wanting to have a subject that will eventually lead to land disputes. One of the problems is the emergence of multiple ownership certificate (overlapping). "Double Certificate" can lead to civil disputes between the parties, so to ensure legal certainty over the land it needs to be resolved through a judiciary. Based* on* the* results* of* the* study* indicate* that* the* occurrence* of* double* certificates* caused* by* several* factors,* namely* the* bad* intention* of* the* applicant* for* the* certificate,* an* error* from* the* Land* Office,* namely* in* terms* of* collecting* and* processing* physical* data* and* juridical* data* of* the* land,* and* the* unavailability* of* a* comprehensive* land* registration* map.* Double certificate occur because there are two certificates in one office issued officially by the Land Office.

This* research* uses* normative* juridical,* data* sources* collected* from* library* data* and* then* the* data* collection* techniques* used* are* literature* study.* The* formulation* of* the* problem* in* this* research* skirpsi* is*what* are* the* factors* that* lead* to* the* submission* of* dual* certificates,* and* the* legal* protection* that* double* certificate.*

Legal protection for holders of land rights is as regulated in Government Regulation No.24 of 1997 and Article 38 paragraph (2) UUPA, Article 32 paragraph (2), Article 23 paragraph (2) and Article 19 paragraph (2) letter c, that the certificates of proof of right act as a strong means of proof. The two rights owners who are the object of the dispute do not receive legal protection if the revocation of the land certificate has been decided. Because the publication system used in Indonesia is a negative publication system that contains positive elements.

Settlement* of* land* disputes* can* be* resolved* by* deliberation* by* the* parties* or* mediation* and* through* justice.* On* the* other* hand* there* is* a* need* for* special* procedural* law* provisions* either* through* deliberation* or* mediation* at* Land* Office* and* the* court* if* dispute* resolution* occurs* through* litigation. The settlement of disputes through this court route s generally through several solutions, ths is : 1. Lawsuit to the land office 2. Civil suit in court 3. State admnstrative court 4. Kasasi in the menchanism for resolving land disputes with multiple certificate outside the court route includes the use of legal remedies by mediaton.


Keywords:* Settlement,* Land* Certificate,* Double
