• Errik Permana
  • Mulyo Budi Stiyawan


This study examines the effect of the price perception of the hospital patient satisfaction tinap swamp RAA Soewondo Pati, the influence of service quality on patient satisfaction RAA Soewondo Hospital Pati, and the influence of corporate image on patient satisfaction RAA Soewondo Hospital Pati. This research was conducted in RSUD RAA Soewondo Pati. The number of samples in this study were100 respondents. The population in this study were all inpatients in hospitals RAA Soewondo Pati. The samples are determined by purposive sampling technique. Data is processed by using multiple regression aid from SPSS 19 program. The results showed price perceptions significant positive effect on patient satisfaction RAA Soewondo Hospital Pati, service quality significant positive effect on patient satisfaction RAA Soewondo Hospital Pati, corporate image significant positive effect on patient satisfaction RAA Soewondo Hospital Pati.

 Keywords: price perception, sevice quality, comporage image, satisfaction

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