Jurnal Ilmiah Telaah Manajemen
<p>Target of this research to test and analyse Leader Member Exchange Influence ( LMX) And work characteristic to officer performance with mediation motivate Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. <br>In this research of population of Officer Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang amounting to 190 people. Intake of sample with sampling random stratified proporsional technique. Determination of is amount of sample use Slovin formula obtained by counted 129 responder. Data analysis use doubled linear regresi analysis. <br>Pursuant to result of research can know by Leader Member Exchange (LMX) And work characteristic have an effect on positive and significant to motivation. Leader Member Exchange (LMX) And work characteristic have an effect on positive and significant to officer performance. Motivation have an effect on positive and significant to officer performance. Media influence motivation Leader Member Exchange (LMX) And work characteristic to officer performance of Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. <br> Keywords: Leader Member Exchange (LMX), work characteristic, officer performance and motivation.</p>Awel Suryadi, Bambang Suko Priyono
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine the role of transformational leadership to moderate the influence of teachers' commitment and professional competence of the teacher performance at Junior High School in Juwana administrative district Pati regency. <br> The specific objective of this study was to examine the moderating influence of transformational leadership commitment and professional competence of teachers on teacher performance at Junior High School in Juwana administrative district Pati regency.. <br>The population in this study were obtained from teachers in Juwana administrative district Pati regency many as 142 people. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression model with quasi moderation. <br>The results showed that the commitment of teachers affect the performance of teachers, professional competence affect the performance of teachers, transformational leadership style affect the performance of teachers, transformational leadership to support the influence of commitment of teacher on teacher performance, and transformasional leadership to support the influence on the profesional competence of teachers performance. <br> <br>Keywords: teacher commitment, professional competence, leadership style and teacher performance. </p>Emy Nuryastuti, Yohanes Suhari
https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe5/article/view/7914Fri, 26 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0700PENGARUH KOMPENSASI DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DENGAN MEDIASI KEPUASAN KERJA Studi Pada Unit Pelayanan Pendapatan dan Pemberdayaan Aset Daerah Koordinator PATI
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze the effect of Compensation and Working Environment Against Employee Performance With Mediation Job Satisfaction (Study on Unit Revenue Service and Empowerment of Regional Asset Coordinator PATI). <br>The method used in this research using census method by using the entire amount of the population that is 102 respondents. Testing of this study consisted of descriptive statistics, test instrument (validity test KMO> 0.5 and Loading Factor> 0.4 and reliability tests with Cronbach alpha> 0.7), the test model (Test Adj R2 (coefficient of determination) and Test F (Goodness of Fit) with level sig <0.05), test hypotheses using regression analysis with level sig <0.05 and test the mediating effect by using path analysis. <br>The results of this study are: Compensation has a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction, work environment has a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction, job satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on performance, compensation has a positive and significant impact on the performance without the mediation of job satisfaction , the working environment has a significant positive effect on the performance of the mediation job satisfaction. <br>Keywords: compensation, work environment, job satisfaction and performance.</p>Moh Safuan, Widhy Setyowati
<p>This study aims (1) to test and analyze the effects of professional commitment to the teacher performance of teachers to the teacher of SMA Negeri Rayon 2 in the city of Semarang. (2) to examine and analyze the motivation against the teacher performance of teachers to the teacher of SMA Negeri Rayon 2 in the city of Semarang. (3) to test and analyze the organizational commitment moderates effect of the professional commitment to teacher performance of teachers of SMAN Rayon 2 in the city of Semarang. (4) to examine and analyze the organizational commitment moderate the effect of the professional commitment to the teacher performance of teachers of SMAN Rayon 2 in the city of Semarang. (5) to examine and analyze the organizational commitement moderates the motivation to the teacher performance of teachers of SMAN Rayon 2 in the city of Semarang. <br>The population in this study were teachers of SMAN rayon 2 in the city of Semarang totaling 400 people. Samples are take using purposive sampling technique, They are 200 teachers. Mechanical analysis using multiple linear analysis model testing, test <br> , hypothesis testing using t test and regression testmoderation. The results showed that; (1) professional commitment does not effect to the teacher performance; (2) motivation significant and positive impact of 71.9% to teacher performance; (3) Organization commitment significant and positive impact amounting to 46,6% of the teacher performance, (4) The organizational commitment does not moderate the influence of professional commitment to teacher performance; (5) An organizational commitment does not moderate the influence of motivation on teacher performance. Keywords: professional commitment, motivation, orgnizational commitment and teacher <br>performance.</p>Damianus Nursih Martadi, Ceacilia Srimindarti
https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe5/article/view/7916Fri, 26 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0700PENGARUH KOMPETENSI DAN PERSON ORGANIZATION FIT (PO-Fit) TERHADAP KINERJA MELALUI MEDIASI KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL Studi pada Penyuluh Pertanian Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan Kabupaten Pati
<p>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Competence and Person Organization Fit (PO-Fit) to performance through the mediation of Organizational Commitment on Agricultural Extension in the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Pati Regency. <br>The total sample of 179 respondents was conducted with a purposive sampling of Agricultural Extension Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Pati regency with sample criteria for Agriculture is an active work and tenure of more than five years. Mechanical testing of the data used in this study include Validity Test, Reliability Test, Coefficient of Determination Test, F Test, Tests of Hypotheses and Mediation. <br>The results showed that Competency positive effect on Commitment Organizational, Person Organization Fit (PO-Fit) positive effect on Commitment Organizational. Competence positive effect on Performance, Person Organization Fit (PO-Fit) positive effect on Performance and Commitment Organizational positive effect on Performance, Organizational Commitment is not a variable that mediates influence of Competence to Performance, Competence direct effect on the Performance and Organizational Commitment is not a variable that mediates influence of Person Organization Fit (POFit) to Performance. <br>Keywords: Competence, Person Organization Fit (PO-Fit), Organizational Commitment, Performance.</p>Sudaryanto Sudaryanto, Tristiana Rijanti
https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe5/article/view/7917Fri, 26 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0700PENGARUH KOMPETENSI DAN KARAKTERISTIK PEKERJAAN TERHADAP KINERJA MELALUI MOTIVASI (Studi pada Tenaga Kesehatan di RSU Fastabiq Sehat PKU Muhammadiyah Pati)
<p>This study aims to examine and analyze whether the effect of competence and job <br>characteristics on performance through the mediation of motivation on Health Workers in RSU Fastabiq Sehat PKU Muhammadiyah Pati. <br>Sampling was done by census of the entire Medicals in RSU Fastabiq Sehat PKU Muhammadiyah Pati totaling 111 respondents. Technical testing of the data used in this study include validity, reliability, coefficient determination test, F test, hypotheses test and mediation test. <br>The results showed that; competence has positive effect and significant on the motivation, job characteristics has positive effect and no significant on the motivation, competence has positive effect and significant on the performance, characteristics of the job has positive effect and not significant on the performance and motivation of positive and significant impact on performance. motivation mediate the competence of the performance, but competence is more effective than a direct effect on performance through motivation as mediation. Keywords: competence, job characteristics, motivation, performance.</p>Mohamad Sapuan, Euis Soliha
https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe5/article/view/7918Fri, 26 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0700PERAN GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL MEMODERASI PENGARUH MOTIVASI INTRINSIK DAN KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL TERHADAP KINERJA GURU (Studi Kasus Pada SMA Negeri di Kecamatan Pati Kabupaten Pati)
<p>This research is intended to examine the influence of motivation intrinsic and emotional intelligence to the state senior high school teachers’ work performance with the moderation of transformational leadership style. The specific purpose of this research is to examine the role of transformational leadership style moderates the influence of intrinsic motivation and emotional intelligence to the teachers’ work performance. The usage of this research is to explain and expand the previous research about the role of transformational leadership style moderates the influence of intrinsic motivation and emotional intelligence to the teachers’ work performance. This research used the population of 116 teachers of state senior high school in Pati District, Pati Regency. The technique of sample collection used in this research is non-probability sampling with the purposive method. The analysis technique used in this research is regression model moderate quasi. Based on the research result can be conduded that: intrinsic motivation influences teachers’ work performance, emotional intelligence influences the teachers’ work performance, transformational leadership style do not moderate the influence of intrinsic motivation to teachers’ work performance, , transformational leadership style strengthen the influence of emotional intelligence to the teachers’ work performance. Keywords : intrinsic motivation, emotional intelligence, transformational leadership style, <br>teachers’ work performance</p>Hasnawati Hasnawati, Sunarto Sunarto
https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe5/article/view/7919Fri, 26 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0700PENGARUH KOMPETENSI PROFESIONAL DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA YANG DIMODERASI GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL (Studi Empiris pada Guru SMA Negeri 1,2,3,4 dan 5 Kota Semarang)
<p>This research aimed to examine the Influence of professional competence and work motivation on the teachers performances of superior public senior high school in Semarang city with transformational leadership style as moderaration variable. <br>The population of this study are 186 teachers, sampling techniques in this study is proportional random sampling methode. The method used in this research is regression with intereaction quasi moderation. This study is explanatory research. Measurements used a Likert scale of five alternative answers. Test instruments used are validity and reliability, while the normality test used Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics. Heteroskedastisitas test used Glejser method, test model used is F test (Goodness of fit) and the coefficients of determination (Adjusted R square), while hypotesis test used regression analysis with t-test at the 0,05 significance level.. <br>The results of this study are: (1) the professional competence has positive and significant effect on teacher performance, (2) the work motivation has positive and significant effect on teacher performance 3) Transformational leadership style doesn’t have effect on the teacher performance, (4) Transformational leadership style doestn’t moderate influenced professional competence on the teacher performances (5) Transformational leaadership style doesn’t moderate influence Work motivation on the teacher performances. <br> Keywords: professional competence, work motivation, transformational leadership style, teacher <br>performance.</p>Maryusis Maryusis, Yeye Susilowati
<p>This research’s purpose is to find how the influence of self confident and emotional self control to the teacher’s efficacy moderated by Idealized influenced. The study population is a government school teachers in four Junior High School in the district Juwana, Pati regency. Sampling using proportional sampling method . The number of samples by using the formula Slovin.. Collecting the data using questionnaires . The amount of data that can be analyzed as many as 120. The data were analyzed using regression -based model of quasi moderator interaction. The results showed that ( 1 ) the dimensions of confidence affect the efficacy of teachers , ( 2 ) the dimensions of emotional self- control affect the efficacy of teachers , ( 3 ) Idealized influenced influence on the efficacy of teachers , ( 4 ) Idealized influenced moderates influence of confidence on the efficacy of teachers , ( 5 ) Idealized influenced moderates influence of emotional self- control on the efficacy of teachers . <br> Keywords: Self confidence, emotional self control , Idealized influenced, teacher’s efficacy</p>Iswahyudi Iswahyudi, Moh Fauzan
https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe5/article/view/7921Fri, 26 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0700PENGARUH PERSON ORGANIZATION FIT (P-O FIT) DAN KEPRIBADIAN TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DENGAN MEDIASI KOMITMEN ORGANISASIONAL (Studi Terhadap Pengelola Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang)
<p>The main goals of this research is to analyze the impact of person-organization fit (P-O Fit), personality, on employee performance using organizational commitment as mediator (study at Health Information Management Division on Distict Health Office of Semarang City). The problem that exist was associated with lower of employee performance. The population in this research is all of the officer related health information management in Distict Health Office of Semarang City as many as 275 officers and 123 officer as sample. Methode of data collection is observation, documentation, dan questionnaire. Analysis methode use instument test (validity and reliability testing), percentage of descriptive analysis, regression analysis, model test, and hypothesis test. The result of this research are: (1) P-O Fit has significant and positive influence on organizational commitment, (2) Personality has significant and positive influence on organizational commitment, (3) P-O Fit has significant and positive influence on employee performance, (4) Personality has significant and positive influence on employee performance, (5) Organizational commitment has significant and positive influence on employee performance, and has mediated P-O Fit and personality influence on employee performance, but the influence of P-O Fit and personality on employee performance, more effective directly than through organizational commitment. <br>Keywords: Person Organizational Fit (P-O Fit), Personality, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance.</p>Hanif Pandu Suhito, Hasan Abdul Rozak
<p>This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of motivation and the effect of competence on organizational commitment, the influence of motivation. effect of competence and the effect of organizational commitment on teacher performance. This research locations throughout the SMK in Pemalang. <br>The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method with quantitative approach. The population of this research is 262 teachers of SMK N in Pemalang. 158 teachers of them were as samples who are taken propotionally in each school.To know the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable used multiple linear regression analysis tool. <br>Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded that work motivation has positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Teacher competency has positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Work motivation has positive and significant impact on teacher performance. Teacher competent has positive and significant impact on teacher performance. Organizational commitment has positive and significant impact on teacher performance. Based on the results of this study recommended to the parties stakeholders in education at the school level, district level or at the regency level to manage improved performance of teachers as professionals who are competent in their duties. Furthermore, simultaneous and structural need cooperation in synergy to manage the teacher to be better so the teacher can increase the quality of its performance so that the quality of education is also increasing. Keywords: motivation, competence, organizational commitment, Teacher Performance</p>Siti Khalimah, Y Sutomo
https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe5/article/view/7923Fri, 26 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0700PENGARUH MODAL SOSIAL DAN KOMPETENSI GURU TERHADAP KINERJA GURU DAN DIMODERASI BUDAYA ORGANISASI (Studi pada Guru SMP Negeri di Sub Rayon 02 Kota Semarang)
<p>This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of social capital on the performance of teachers in the SMP Negeri in Sub Rayon 02 Semarang ; test and analyze the influence of teacher competence on the performance of teachers in the SMP Negeri in Sub Rayon 02 Semarang ; test and analyze the influence of organizational culture on performance of teachers in the SMP Negeri in Sub Rayon 02 Semarang ; test and analyze the influence of organizational culture on the relationship between social capital and the performance of teachers in the SMP Negeri in Sub Rayon 02 Semarang ; to test and analyze the influence of organizational culture on the relationship between teacher competence and performance of teachers in the SMP Negeri in Sub Rayon 02 Semarang. This type of research is explanatory research , using a quantitative approach . The population in this study is teachers of SMP Negeri in Sub Rayon 02 Semarang which amounts to 251 people . Samples were taken using nonprobability sampling techniques, from of 154 teachers. Mechanical analysis uses model test liner analysis , F test (ANOVA) , R² test and t test , regression test hypothesis testing moderation . The results showed that ; social capital has significant and positive on teacher performance; competence teacher has significant and positive on teacher performance; cultural organizations have significant and positive on teacher performance; organizational culture does not moderate the relation of social capital and teachers performance; organizational culture to moderate the relationship between the competence of teachers and teachers performance <br> <br>Key words : social capital , competence of teachers , teacher performance and organizational culture .</p>Cahyaning Budi Astuti, R Basiya
https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe5/article/view/7924Fri, 26 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0700