• Antonia Dwi Woro Wibawaningrum


Performance measurement system has changed a lot in comparison to the past. In traditional performance
measurement approach, the most important goals of evaluation is financial measures. while modern approach
has focused on evaluated growth and develop capacity. Balanced Scorecard (BSC) by Kaplan and Norton
(1992) provide an integrated view of overall organizational performance. BSC integrates financial
measures with other key performance indicators to create a persepective that incorporates both financial an
non-financial aspects. Finding in AKSESPlus are: (a) designing a model of performance measurement
AKSESPlus with BSC (b) implementation new model performance measurement. The approach taken
descriptive methodology with data collection techniques using primary data and secondary data. Results of
research on AKSESPlus is, (a) model performance measurement AKSESPlus, with details : Strategy Map,
measurement, targets, weights and strategy initiatives, cascading (b) implementation of a new
performance measurement showed increased employee motivation, internal business processes as well as the
results obtained increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately supporting improved performance of the
financial perspective is to give maximum result for shareholders.
Keywords : Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Map, Measurement, Strategy Initiatives.
How to Cite
Wibawaningrum, A. (1). RANCANGAN KINERJA AKSESPLUS DENGANMENGGUNAKAN BALANCED SCORECARD DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA. Jurnal Bisnis Dan Ekonomi, 23(1). Retrieved from https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe3/article/view/4308