• Alimuddin Rizal R
  • Endah Mudjiasih


Retail Business Management with a franchise system as a primary method of entering the
market has been chosen. Control of retail network of franchise become a very important. The
purpose of this paper is to examine the Social Exchange Theory-Agency Theory and Power
Theory, implemented in cooperation relationships between the manager of a franchise business.
This study examines the empirical findings from various studies about the franchise, especially on
how an organization controls the other organizations to follow what has been required under a
treaty. The results of this study found that there are different patterns of business controls
implemented by the managers of the franchise, namely: through the Contract franchise, support
mechanisms, the selection of franchise partners, the pattern of the franchise relationship and the
use of parent-area franchise system. This pattern was found as the main method used by the
owners of retail businesses to control the franchise business network. Meanwhile, a source of
Coercive Power and Non-Coercive Power appears in the form of franchise contracts and
franchise relations of the dominant mechanism used by franchise businesses. However, it is
recommended to develop a pattern of relationships that use pattern-based inter-organizational
relationships on the Relationship Power and Organizational Power.
Keywords: franchise, power, control, coercive power, outcome
How to Cite
Rizal R, A., & Mudjiasih, E. (1). PENGGUNAAN KEKUATAN DALAM MENGENDALIKAN BISNIS WARALABA RITEL. Jurnal Bisnis Dan Ekonomi, 17(2). Retrieved from