ANALISIS PERMINTAAN KREDIT MODAL KERJA USAHA KECIL DI KOTA PONTIANAK (Studi Kasus Permintaan Modal Kerja Usaha Kecil Sektor Perdagangan dari BMT)

  • Jumhur .


One of the problems faced by small business is capitalization difficulty. This
difficulty emerges because of various requirements which cannot be fulfilled. Hence
alternatively to overcome this legal capital problem they borrow to Lembaga Keuangan
Mikro/LKM. One of LKM which is enough concern in development of this small business
is BMT. Research aim to identify factors influencing demand probability of small
business working capital credit from BMT and analyses does asset value factor, basic
yield, sharing holder ratio and single source rate in other finance companies can predict
in significan demand probability of commercial sector small business working capital
credit from BMT in Pontianak. Testing with logistics regression is obtained by asset total
variable and single source rate in other finance companies had an effect on significan to
demand probability of small business working capital credit from BMT, while advantage
factor per month and sharing holder ratio significan doesn't to small business probability
borrows circulating capital from BMT at level of significan 5%.
Key words: small business, credit, working capital, BMT, probability
How to Cite
., J. (1). ANALISIS PERMINTAAN KREDIT MODAL KERJA USAHA KECIL DI KOTA PONTIANAK (Studi Kasus Permintaan Modal Kerja Usaha Kecil Sektor Perdagangan dari BMT). Jurnal Bisnis Dan Ekonomi, 16(2). Retrieved from