• Ali Maskur


DPR-RI legalize Law of Syariah Banking number 21/2008. It’s means that
syariah banking has a foundation to develop the banking. The new substantial of the law
is including ‘syariah’ word for syariah banking, punishment for the leader of
stockholder, MUI has fatwa otority, The Central Of Bank as a controller and monitoring
syariah banking, definition of financing is changes, and there is choice of law in
principle. In Implementation, the Law have two implementation i.e. policy
implementation and law enforcement implementation.To implementation the law needs
other support until the target syariah banking of grow achieved. Syariah banking has
chance and challenge. The challenge i.e there is foreign ownership, foreign employment,
syariah principle on product/service by MUI, the leader of stockholder past a fit and
proper test. The government support and banking syariah ability to overcome the
challenge is a key to speed of growth syariah banking.
Key words: law of syariah bankin, MUI, central of bank, chance and challenge
How to Cite
Maskur, A. (1). TANTANGAN IMPLEMENTASI UNDANG-UNDANG PERBANKAN SYARIAH. Jurnal Bisnis Dan Ekonomi, 16(01). Retrieved from https://www.unisbank.ac.id/ojs/index.php/fe3/article/view/314