• Dimas .
  • Nenik Woyanti


In Jakarta, the amount of manpower was larger than the number of opportunities
for employment. This fact made a serious unemployment problems.The purpose of
research was analyzing the influence of GDP, wage and investment on the absorption
of manpower.
There were 3 results of research. First, GDP had a positive significance
influence on absorption of manpower. Second, wage factor had a negative significant
influence on. And third, investment had a negative significant influence on. The last
result was not according with theory, because the most of investors in Jakarta more use
capital-intensive than manpower-intensive.
This study suggested the local government to improve economic growth up, to
surmount the disagreement of wage between employee and employer, and to deep-select
to the next of big investors applicant who will plant their large capital in Jakarta.
Key words: opportunities fo emplyement, GDP, wage, investment.
How to Cite
., D., & Woyanti, N. (1). PENYERAPAN TENAGA KERJA DI DKI JAKARTA. Jurnal Bisnis Dan Ekonomi, 16(01). Retrieved from