• Evi Maria


Information technology (IT) can improve an organization's competitive advantage, so many
organizations rely on IT, is no exception with the Christian University of Satya Wacana (UKSW).
In carrying out its main activities, UKSW supported by the Information Systems Academic Satya
Wacana (SIASAT). Internal control is required an information system in order to achieve
organizational goals. COBIT is the standard SI control of a general nature and can be accepted
and implemented by the organization. This study aims to compare the SI Academic Satya Wacana
by way of its internal control analysis using the COBIT framework. In this study, the domain of
delivery and support (DS) is chosen for comparison is done at every level of IT processes COBIT.
The study found that UKSW already have internal controls in every level of control process IT
COBIT DS domain, where the internal control provides assurance that the academic services such
as admissions, student registration, course registration, grades and graduation is based on
standard operating procedures (SOPs) that have been set.
Key Word: Information system, internal control, COBIT framework