• Maryono maryono


Pensiun Fund in Indonesia comprised of two types, namely Employer≫s Pensiun Fund (EPF) and Financial Institution Pensiun Fund (FIPF). EPF is a pensiun fund established by an individual or entity having employees, as the founder, to provide a defined benefit pensiun program or a defined contribution pensiun program, for the benefits of all or partial employees as participants, and inflicting obligation toward the employer. FIPF is a pensiun fund established by a bank or life insurance company to provide a defined contribution pensiun program for individual, either for employee or the employer itself. Meanwhile, there were 2 (two) types of pensiun program in such pensiun fund, namely Defined Benefit Pensiun Program (DBPP) and Defined Contribution Pensiun Program (DCPP). Defined Benefit Pensiun Program is a pensiun program, benefits of which are specified in Pensiun Program regulation. Defined Contribution Pensiun Program is a pensiun program, contribution of which is specified in Pensiun Program regulation, and all Contributions As Well As Its Investment Development Are Recorded In Respective ParticipantS account as the pensiun benefit. Up until the end of 2009, total active pensiun fund in Indonesia was 276 pensiun funds, comprising of 251 EPFs and 25 FIPFs. From such total number of pensiun funds, the total assets value of pensiun fund were up to Rp 112.36 trillion or about 2.0%  coverage of Indonesia Gross Domestic Products (GDP) in 2009 (at 2000 constant market price). From such total amount of assets, 96.01% of pensiun fund assets were absorbed in the form of investment.

Keywords: saving, assurance, pensiun