This research aim is to know the influence from Gross Domestic Product (Y), Governmental Expenditure (GS), Tax (Tx), Governmental Subsidy (Tr) and Governmental Debt (GB) to Soceity Consumption (C). This research used model from Kormendi and analysis used Error Correction Model the ( ECM)
The result of this research indicate that the Gross Domestic Product, the Governmental Expenditure , the Tax , the Governmental Subsidy and the Governmental Debt have positive coefficient regression either in the short run and long run . It means that if Gross Domestic Product, Governmental Expenditure, Tax, Governmental, Subsidy and Governmental Debt are createof the Soceity Consumption (C) increase too.
The sign of coefficient sign the Gross Domestic Product ( Y), the Governmental Expenditure (GS), theTax (Tx) ,the Governmental Subsidy (Tr) andthe Governmental Debt (GB) are positive. Pursuant to that finding can be expressed that reseaching is general support of Ricardian Equivalence perspective according to empirical finding by Kormendi (1983) completed by Kormendi and Meguire (1990)
Key Word : The Gross Domestic Product , the Governmental Expenditure , the Tax , the Governmental Subsidy, the Governmental Debt, the Soceity Consumption, Ricardian Equivalence