• Agung . Nusantara


Because of  speculative capitalism, there is no value added to real sector. Real sector doesn’t have relation with financial sector, so that financial sector left real sector far away. That is main source of financial crisis in US. The crisis  influence Indonesian economic with two ways i.e financial and trade investment. The crisis impact to real sector through two channels i.e domestic real sector directly related with international sector. Second, domestic real sector related with domestic and international financial sector.

To save real sector so the government must reinforce microbusiness because microbusiness can absorb  a lot of employment. The government must prevent illegal product go into in Indonesian; and then kepres (no. 6/2007) implementation; government give incentives to industry where that industry related with many people life; improve credit system to microbusines; bail out used to improve real sector and creat  massive field of endeavor. The other side, the government must to push syariah banking growth because syariah banking capable to overcome crisis. The government can take a lesson from Rusia and Venesuella to improve their economic. But it’s all depend on the government political will,  include to changes economic system.

Key Words: capitalism, crisis, real sector, micro business, syariah banking.