Students' Journal of Language & Culture en-US (Liliek Soepriatmadji) (Liliek Soepriatmadji) Tue, 12 Nov 2013 07:34:50 +0700 OJS 60 Analysis on Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes of One Direction’s Up All Night Album A Thesis, Department of Language Education,Graduate Program of the State University of Semarang. Supervisor: Drs. J.Sutomo, M.MThis researchpaper deals with the analysis on derivational and inflectional morphemes of“One Direction’s Up All Night Album”. Derivational morpheme is the formation ofnew word by adding affixes to the other words or morphemes, and the additionchanges the word class or the meaning. Inflectional morpheme is a process ofadding affixes to a word. Inflectional morpheme modifies a word in order tomark grammatical function of word. The aim of this is to analyze the kinds of derivationaland inflectional morphemes found in “One Direction’s Up All Night Album”. The steps ofanalyzing the morpheme are: first, the writer found the data and obtained 143morphemes that used inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes. There are131 types of inflectional morphemes (91,61%) and 12 types of derivationalmorphemes (8,39%) that the writer found. The next step is analyzing,classifying, and concluding. In this research paper, the writer also usedlibrary research to find further information and some theories related with theobject of this study.  The result of this research is that there arefive kinds of derivational morphemes and six kinds of inflectionalmorphemes that the writer found in One Direction’s song albumentitled “Up All Night”. The derivational morphemes found are verb formingsuffixes, noun forming suffixes and adjective forming suffixes, verb formingprefixes and adjectives forming prefixes. And the inflectional morphemes foundare third singular marker, progressive marker, past tense marker, pluralmarker, past participle marker and comparative marker.Key Words: Derivational, Inflectional,Morphemes, Affixes Agustinah Agustinah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Illocutionary Acts Performed in Hillsong’s Selected Song Lyrics A Research Paper, Faculty ofLanguage and Cultural Studies, Undergraduate Program of Stikubank University.Supervisor: Agnes Widyaningrum, S.E, S.Pd, M. Pd.  This research paper isentitled Illocutionary Acts Performed in Hillsong’s Selected Song Lyrics. Inthis research, the researcher would like to identify the meaning and functionof utterances within six Hillsong’s selected song lyrics in terms of speechact. It has objectives, which are aimed to find out the taxonomies of illocutionaryacts andspeech functions performed in six Hillsong’s Selected Song Lyrics. Then, theanalysis is based on pragmatics that is to discuss illocutionary acts. In orderto analyze the lyrics, the writer uses descriptive qualitativemethod. The taxonomies of illocutionary acts are performed in 123utterances namely: 115 representative utterances: 95 statement(77.2%), 20 confession (16.3%); 4 declarative utterances: 4 declaration (3.3%);4 expressive utterances; 4 gratitude (3.3%). The illocutionary act whichmostly performed is statement (77.2%). It means that the speaker wants to statehis or her appraisal and faith to the Lord. Then, the types ofspeech functions are performed in 123 utterances are mostly statement (95.1%) and request (4.9%). It means the speaker wantsto give his or her faith and appraisal by stating something to the Lord. Key words: Illocutionary Acts, Speech Function,Illocutionary Force, Song Lyrics. Nio Chrismas ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 The Mastery of dental fricative sounds [ð] [θ] of the third year students of SMP N 2 Karangawen A Research Paper, Faculty of Language andCultural Studies, Undergraduate Program of Stikubank University. Supervisor:Dra. Katharina Rustipa, M. Pd.    This research paper is entitled The Mastery ofdental fricative sounds [ð] [θ] of the third year students of SMP N 2Karangawen. In this research, the writer attempted to find out the mastery of[ð] [θ] pronunciation of SMP Negeri 2 Karangawen      students and to find out the way thestudents pronounce the dental fricative [ð] [θ] sounds. The writer gavepronunciation test for the students of SMP N 2 Karangawen to read 20 wordscontaining [ð] and 20 words containing [θ]. Then, the analysis is done by comparingthe native speaker’s pronunciation and the students’ pronunciation, transcribedthe recorded students’ speech sounds in phonetic transcription and found outthe errors of the speech sounds made by the students. In order to analyze thedata, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of the studyare 20 students. Three students (20%) pronounced the English terminologiespoorly. Six students (40%) pronounced the English terminologies very poorly.Three students (20%) pronounced the English terminologies fairly, and threestudents (20%) pronounced the English terminologies well. It shows that thestudents have difficulties in pronouncing the English sounds [ð] [θ]. Moststudents’ mastery (40%) to pronounce the dental sounds [ð] [θ] is verypoor.  Based on the findings, it issuggested that the teacher teach the way to produce the dental sounds [ð] [θ]and drill the words containing [ð] [θ] to the students who should practicepronouncing the words containing [ð] [θ] regularly.    Key Words: phonetic transcription, the organsof speech, English speech sounds, English consonants, English dental sounds [ð][θ]. Ratna Fitrianingrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 A Study of Figurative Expressions Used in Taylor Swift’s “Fearless” Album A Thesis, Faculty of Language and CulturalStudies, Undergraduate Program of the University of Stikubank Semarang.Supervisor: Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MA.Key words: FigurativeExpressions and figure of speech            The thesis is entitled A Study of Figurative ExpressionsUsed in Taylor Swift’s “Fearless” Album. The writer chose this title becausefigurative expression is an interesting topic to discuss and also there are alot of figurative expressions found in song lyrics. This thesis has twoobjectives. First, it is aimed at finding out the types of figurativeexpressions in the song lyrics “Fearless” album. Second, it is aimed atexplaining the true meaning of the song lyrics in “Fearless” album.            The writer collects the databy using internet and library research. All of figurative expressions in thesong lyrics “Fearless” album were taken to be the data of theresearch. After the data are collected, then they are analyzed using thefollowing steps: reading the song lyrics, doing identification, classificationand interpretation.            The research results reveal that ten figurativeexpressions were found in the selected data. The types of figurativeexpressions mostly found are hyperbole (32.8%), personification (25.5%) andmetaphor (7.4%). Frequently, figurative expressions are used in the song lyrics(100%). Tiffanny Duarte Gomes ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 The Development of the Paragraphs in Obama’s Remarks at Indonesia University November 10, 2010 AResearch Paper, English Department, Undergraduate Program of University ofStikubank Semarang. Supervisor Drs. Liliek Soepriatmadji, M.Pd.Keywords: Development, paragraphs, and remarks.Theobjective of this research is to explain the paragraph development in BarackObama’s remarks text. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The three importantparts of the remark text are the opening, body and conclusion. In Obama’s remark text, there are 2 opening paragraphs, thebody consists of 44 paragraphs, the concluding part of the remark consists of 1paragraph. The last section only reaffirmsthe things that are important in the body. Three needed elements in a paragraph are topicsentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence 26 paragraphs (55%), eighteen paragraphs containing the elements oftopic sentence and supporting details (38%), two paragraphs with only topic sentence each(5%),there is also one paragraph with only oneconcluding sentence (2%). And also there are several methods of paragraph development used in BarackObama's remark text. They are Deductive reasons (31.8%), Process (2.3%), Comparison and contrast (2.3%), Sequence or pointof view (2.3%), Sequence or Chronological (4.5%), Cause and effect (13.6%),Classification (2.3%), Inductive reasons (38.6%), Extended definition (2.3%). Basedon the result of the research above, the writer suggests that the student whostudies in English Language Education Department learn intensively how theparagraphs are developed and logically structured. In order, that they can makea text such as remarks, and it will be easy to understand and persuade theaudiences. Mahsusil Jannah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 A Semiotic Representation of Symbols, Codes, and Sign in Cipaganti Holiday’s as Found in Corporate Document A Thesis, Faculty of English Languageand Cultural Studies University of Stikubank Semarang. Supervisor’s: AgnesWidyaningrum, SE. S,Pd, M.Pd  Key words: Symbol, codes, and signs   This representation is about symbols,codes, and signs applied in Cipaganti Holiday’s. It tries, to interpret themeaning of symbols, codes, and signs applied in Cipaganti Holiday. The data of this representation aretaken from bussines card, envelope, letter head, brochure and billboard / neonsign in Cipaganti Holiday’s. This study focuses on semantics. In this representation, the writercollects the data by using observation, documentary and library research. Afterthe data are collected, then they are analyzed using the following steps :identifying, classifying the symbols, codes, and signs applied in CipagantiHoliday’s and then interprets the cases completely based on the categories ofcases. In Cipaganti Holiday the advertisement(in the form of bussines card, envelope, letter head, brochure, billboard /neon sign) used symbols, codes and signs. The writer found symbols (41.2 %), codes (26.7 %), signs (38.1 %)applied in Cipaganti Holiday. Fromthe analysis it can be shown that commonly Cipaganti Holiday’s used symbols inthe visual advertisement Revi Komalasari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Interpersonal Meaning Negotiated By The Characters Of The Short Story “The Ballerina Diaries ‘ Of Teen Vogue Magazine In October 2011. Supervisor: Drs. Liliek Soepriatmadji,M.Pd.The thesis entitled INTERPERSONAL MEANINGNEGOTIATED BY THE CHARACTERS OF THE SHORT STORY “THE BALLERINA DIARIES” OF TEENVOGUE MAGAZINE IN OCTOBER 2011 has three objectives. They are to find out moodelements, mood types, and to identify the interpersonal meaning of conversationcreated in the short story.Thisresearch is qualitative research. The data taken are conversations of shortstory entitled “The Ballerina Diaries” OF Teen Vogue Magazine In October 2011.The writer used five steps to analyze the data: identifying each character’sexpressions in segmented clauses; putting the segmented short story into thepattern of mood and residue; identifying the mood elements; categorizing themood elements into their mood system and construing the tenor of the discourse. The mood elements of the clauses identified inthe conversation of the story “The Ballerina Diaries” are Subject and Finite.The mood types of the clause identified in the conversation of the story “TheBallerina Diaries” are 16 declarative clauses (55.2%), 6 exclamative clauses(20.7%), 4 imperative clauses (13.8%) and 3 interrogative clauses (10.3%). Thestatus among or between the participants is equal (the participants are givinginformation each other). The relationships of the people in the story are veryclose, so the social distance is minimal. Margareta Ari Kristanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Oppression on The Work Place Described in Sherm Cohen, Aaron Springer and Peter Burn's Spongebob Squarepant : Pizza Delivery : as a Marxism Study A thesis, English  Department, Undergraduate Program of  Stikubank (UNISBANK) Semarang University.Supervisor: Yulistiyanti,  SS.,M.Hum.   Key Word: Working Oppression, PizzaDelivery, Marxism    This thesis presents “Oppression on The WorkPlace Described in Sherm Cohen, Aaron Springer and Peter  Burn's Spongebob Squarepant : Pizza Delivery: as a Marxism Study”. The story tells about working oppression by employer.The aim of this thesis is to find out character, conflict, and to explain theoppression on the work place in Spongebob Squarepant : Pizza Delivery analyzedusing Marxism.    Pizza Delivery is one of the episode ofSpongebob Squarepants. In Spongebob Squarepant : Pizza Delivery by Sherm Cohen,Aaron Springer, Peter Burns who creates characters named Mr. Krab, Squidward,and Spongebob. In  Spongebob Squarepant :Pizza Delivery, Squidward has some character, such as grumpy, selfish. While MrKrab has a character is greedy. Spongebob has a character is veryclueless.    The relation betweendominant class and sub-ordinate classes found in the relation between Mr Kraband Spongebob, and between Mr Krab and Squidward. The relation causesoppression in working place, Krusty Krab. Shelly Kurniawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Interlanguage Produced by the Employees of PT Beiersdorf Indonesia Athesis, Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies of Stikubank UniversitySemarang, Supervisor:                   Drs Liliek Soepriatmadji, M.PD. Key words: interlanguage, error analysis, writtenlanguage             Thethesis is entitled “Interlanguage Produced by the Employees of PT BeiersdorfIndonesia”. This research paper identifies the grammatical errors and problemareas (Morphology, syntax, and lexicon).            Thisresearch is qualitative research. The writer took the written language made bythe employees of PT Beiersdorf Indonesia as the data of this study. The datawere analyzed by using four steps: first, rewriting the collected data, second,segmenting data into unit of analysis, third, identifying, and classifying theinterlanguage found in the texts, fourth, explaining the interlanguage.            Based on the data analysis there are 28 grammar errors. Theyare past tense (7%), present tense (15%) present continuous tense (3,5%), Plural(21%), Error meaning (43%), infinitive (3,5%), preposition (3,5%), and Verbphrase (3,5%). They can be classified into problem areas of Morphology (21%), syntax(36%), and lexicon (43%). It means written language made by employees of PTBeiersdorf Indonesia needs improvement. They still need to develop theirgrammar. Nur Laila Hamdani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 An Analysis of Gullah Expressions Found in Sean Paul’s Song “Got 2 Luv U” in Terms of The Communicative Purposes A Thesis, Faculty of English Language and Cultural Studies,Undergraduate Degree (S1) of the University of Stikubank Semarang. Supervisor:Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MA.Key Words: Sociolinguistics, GullahExpressions, Communication Purpose, SeanPaul. The study attempts to analyze and identify thegullah expressions used in Sean Paul’s lyric. This studyproposes a problem concerning to the communicative purposes of gullah expressions in the song lyric.Hopefully, this study will be useful for students of English department,especially to help them understand the gullahexpressins used in Sean Paul’s song lyric.In order to bring this study into its purpose,the writer formulates two research problems, those are: what gullah expressionas are used in SeanPaul’s lyric and what communicative purposes do the gullah expressions used in Sean Paul’s lyric have.This analysis used descriptive method because it is to describe themeaning of gullah expressions in SeanPaul’s song lyric. The data were taken from the lyric, that  is tabulating the gullah expressions, construing the meaning of the gullah expressions, identifying thecommunicative purposes of gullahexpressions, giving an interview to five listeners, and drawing conclusion toarrive at possible implication.From the data that have been analyzed, it was found the communicativepurposes of gullah expressions usedin Sean Paul’s lyric are: to convey statement, to inform someone, to ensure andto persuade.Thus, the writer suggests that the future researchers conduct thesimilar theme in the gullahexpressions, which has not been covered  in this study, and in other researchers’study, in order to give a positive contribution in different subjects, objects,and statement of the problems. Tito Lesdiana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis Derivational Morpheme Found in Jakarta Post Article “ The 21st Century Arab Awakening?” by: Jean-Pierre Lehmann, dated: Tuesday, Febuary 1,2011 Departmentof language Education, Undergraduate Program of the Stikubank University ofSemarang.Supervisor: Endang Yuliani Rahayu, S.S, M.PdKey words: morphology, morpheme, and derivationalmorpheme.This thesis studies derivational morphemefound in The Jakarta Post’s article.Derivational is the formation of new word by addding affixes to the other wordand the changes of word class or word meaning. Here the writerfocused on the process of derivational morpheme. Thewriter found in 56 derivational morphemes in thedata. In this thesis, the writer analyzed , classified andconcluded. Thewriter also used library study to find information and some theories relatedwith the object of the analysis.In thisthesis, the writer used descriptive analysis. The object of my analysis is onearticle taken from The Jakarta Post’s.The techniques in collecting the data in this study included reading thearticle, underlines in the data, and the last, the listingof the data in The Jakarta Post’sarticle.The dataanalysisshows, there are some affixes used in thederivational morpheme, they are –ly,-ion,-ment, -al,-ical, -ive, im-,-ity, -able,-ism,-or,-fully,re-, -in,-ian and –ese. One exampleof derivational morpheme is –lysuffix, -ly suffix is attached to the spesific stem and it will phonologicallychange.Finally,the writer can conclude that derivational morphemes found in The Jakarta Post’s article “ The 21st Century Arab Awakening?” By: Jean-Pierre Lehmann, Dated: Tuesday, February 1,2011” are –ly, -ion,-ment, -al,-ical, -ive, im-,-ity, -able,-ism,-or,-fully, re-+-in, -arian and –ese. The –ly changesadjective into adverb, -ion changes verb into noun,-ment changes verb into noun, -al changes noun into adjective,-ical changesnoun into adjective, -ive changes verb into adjective, im- changesadjective into adjective,-ity changes adjective into noun, -able changesnoun into adverb,-ism changesadjective into noun,  -ator changesverb into noun,     -f ully changesverb into adverb, re +-in changes noun into verb, -arian changesnoun into adjective and –ese changesnoun into adjective. Agit Fitria Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Theme and Rheme In The Children Short Story Reading Texts Taken From 366 Bedtime Stories A Thesis in a Partial Fulfillment of theRequirements for a Degree Award of SarjanaSastra in English Language and Literature, Supervised by AgnesWidyaningrum, SE, S.Pd, M.Pd, FBIB-UNISBANK Semarang.               Key Word:Textual Theme, Interpersonal Theme,Ideational Theme, Rheme Thisthesis presents “An Analysis ofTheme and Rheme in The Children Short Story Reading Texts taken From 366 Bedtime Stories”. The aims of the thesis is to analyzethe Theme-Rheme in the children short story readingtextstaken from 366 bedtime stories. The data wereanalyzed by using two methods. They are method of datacollection and method of data analysis. The writer usesthe library research and internet as the method of data collection. Moreover,the writer gathers the data from childrenshort story readingtexts takenfrom 366 bedtime stories. Themethod of data analysis applied is qualitative analysis method.There are three types of Theme in the text. They areTextual Theme (34%),Interpersonal Theme (1%)and Ideational or Topical Theme (65%). TopicalTheme consists of Unmarked Topical Theme (85%) and Marked Topical Theme (15%).Topical Theme is the most dominant in this thesis because type of text inchildren short story include descriptive text. Laraswati Nopilar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Self Actualization of Main Characters in Peter Segal's film 50 First Dates Based on Abraham Maslow’s Theory of Needs A Thesis, Faculty of Language andCultural Studies, Undergraduate Program of the University of StikubankSemarang. Supervisor: Agnes Widyaningrum,SE,S.Pd, M.Pd.  Key words: Character andcharacterization, self actualization, theory of needs.   The thesis is entitled Self Actualization ofMain Characters in Peter Segal's film 50 First Dates Based on Abraham Maslow’sTheory of Needs. The writer chose this title because self actualization is aninteresting topic to discuss and also described the desire forself-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for human to become actualized inwhat he/she is potentially. This thesis has two objectives. First, it is aimed atfinding out the self actualization in the conversation “Peter Segal's film 50First Dates”. Second, it is aimed at explaining the self actualization which isindicated in the conversation “Peter Segal's film 50 First Dates”.  The analysis used Abraham Maslow’s theory ofNeeds to collect the data. All of self actualization in the conversation “PeterSegal's film 50 First Dates” was taken to be the data of the research. Infinding out the phenomena of self actualization, the writer analyzed theconversation of main characters in “Peter Segal's film 50 First Dates”. Inanalyzing the data, the writer applied descriptive qualitative analysis.  The research results reveal that five selfactualization were found in the selected data. The types of self actualizationmostly found are creativity, being spontaneous, focusing on the problem,problem solving, and acceptance of facts. Ardi Pamungkas ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Code Switching As A Strategy In Classroom Interaction A Case Study At Alfabank English Course Academic Year 2012/2013 A Thesis, Faculty of English Languageand Cultural Studies University of Stikubank Semarang.  Supervisor’s: Liliek Soepriatmadji, Drs,M.Pd  Key words: code switching, classroominteraction, conversation The thesis is entitled CODE SWITCHING ASA STRATEGY IN CLASSROOM INTERACTION A CASE STUDY AT ALFABANK ENGLISH COURSEACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013.  The writer chose the title since thereis a lot of code switching found in Alfabank English Course. This thesis hastwo objectives. First, it is aimed or purpose at establishing the meaning ofcode switching that exists in Alfabank English Course. The second is codeswitching patterns used in Alfabank English Course. In this representation, the writercollects the data by using observation documentary, record, and libraryresearch. After the data are collected, then they are analyzed using thefollowing steps, listening to the recording, transcribing, segmenting,identifying, categorizing, explaining, and construing. Documentation method was used to collectthe data. All of code switching found in Alfabank English Course was taken tobe the data. In finding out the realization of code switching and it is use,the writer recorded the conversation of tutor between students in classroom. Inanalyzing the data, the writer applied qualitative technique. Ike Pristyawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 The Codes Switched in the Conversation “A very manglish” by klikli_disney and retro_zone87 Faculty of Language and CulturalStudies, Undergraduate Program of the University of Stikubank Semarang.Supervisor: Katharina Rustipa, Dr., DRA, M.PD The research paper is entitledthe Codes Switched in the Conversation “A very  manglish” by klikli_disney and retro_zone87. The writer chose this titlebecause code switching is an interesting topic to discuss and also there are alot of code switchings found in the conversation. This thesis has twoobjectives. First, it is aimed at finding out the types of code switching inthe conversation “A very manglish”. Second, it is aimed at explaining thefunction of code switching which is indicated in the conversation “A verymanglish”.Documentation method was used to collectthe data. All of code switchings in the conversation “A very   manglish” by klikli_disney and retro_zone87were taken to be the data of the research. In finding out the phenomena of codeswitching, the writer took notes the conversation “A very manglish” byklikli_disney and retro_zone87. In analyzing the data, the writer applieddescriptive qualitative technique.The research results reveal that seventyfive code switchings were found in the selected data. The types of codeswitching mostly found are intra- sentential code switching (85%), emblematiccode switching (15%), and inter- sentential code- switching (-). Frequently,code switching is used to identify a particular group (51%), to easecommunication (24%), to communicate more effectively (22.5%), and to reiteratea point (2.5%).Key words: Code switching,inter-sentential, intra-sentential, and tag switching. Sherly Caterina Rachman ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Women and the Concept of Beauty found in English Faiirly Tales: Chinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis.Stikubank University. Supervised by Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MAKey Words: beauty, characteristics,personalityThis thesis examined 'Women and theConcept of Beauty found in English Fairly Tales: Chinderella, Beauty and theBeast, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid' in order to understandthe characteristics of women, and their concept of beauty refelected inEnglishifairy tales. The study is complex in nature since the writer combinedlinguistic, literary, psychological and social approaches. It is both lingisticand literary investigation in that English fairly tales: Chinderella, Beautyand the Beast, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid were in terms oftexts as reading materials which are firrther analyzed to find out the conceptof women and beauty refelcted in the tales. Therefore, the writer adopted thelinguistic format of thesis writing. So is it both psychological and social.The writer in viewing women and the concept of beauty used severalpsychological arid social tenninologies related to the texts. Research findingsshow that concept of beauty is changing over time and different in everyculture. It is something difficult to attain in certain ways because it makeswomen unconfident to themselves and do anything to fulfill it although it hurtsthernselves. This concept makes women think that there is always somethingwrong with their body. That gives a'reason for women to do unhealthy way tochange their body and appearances. Furthermore, beautiful people tend to makepeople who do not feel as beautiful as they are envious and jealous. Thisjealousy can lead into something cruel and action to get rid of the beautifulones. However, beautiful persons also make it easier to win a man's hearts.English fairytales also gives figures of beautiful women. They are young, goodlooking having long blonde or very black hair, blue eyes, red cheeks, fairskin, long legs, tiny feet. The glamour life such as wearing immaculate attireand gloomy accessories and having a good ride are also included in it. Finally,people think that women without physical beauty are nothing. Nwertheless, innerbeauty is more important than the outer one. It is therefore suggested to keepbeauty as it is without harming anything. Yuni Rachmi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Robinson’s Struggle of Life Changes of Robinson Crusoe Personality as Reflected in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe AThesis, English Department, Undergraduate Program of Stikubank. The consultant: Yulistiyanti, S.S, M.HumThis thesis is done by finding theanswers of the writer’s questions about a novel, ‘Robinson Crusoe’ by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoepersonality, who gets a lot of experiences and he can also change his way ofthinking. Then why the struggle of life changes the personality, the writerwants to know more about the character of Robinson Crusoe when he is in theisolated island. The objectives of the study are to find out the character ofRobinson Crusoe, which is the main character in Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe,the setting, and the struggle of life of Robinson Crusoe. In this study,there are structural and psychological approaches as the methods used inanalyzing the novel. The writer also uses qualitative study to do the research.            The result of the analysis revealsthat the main character has many changes in his characters after he is strandedon a desert island. He becomes a good person. He has good behavior andpersonality. Since he lives on this island and he has to solve some problem, hebecomes patient, a hard worker, and a religious person. This island has changedhim to be better. Rizky Rosita ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Communication Strategies Employed by The Host and The Guests in The Ellen Show Broadcast on May 15th, 2013 A Research Paper, English Department,Undergraduate Program of Stikubank University Semarang.  Supervisors: Agnes Widyaningrum, SE, S.Pd,M.Pd The research attempts to analyzedCommunication Strategies Employed by The host and The Guests in The Ellen ShowBroadcast on May 15th, 2013.  The firstis to explain the types of Communication Strategies that employed by the hostand guest in The Ellen Show and second the reasons of the host and guest in TheEllen show employ The Communication Strategies in the talk show. A communicationis one of the important aspects needed to build relationship with human.Communication Strategies is the way to help the people to communicate smoothlyand clearly. In this research, the data are in form of spoken text which inrealized in written text that is an interview script. The unit of analysis ofthis study is turn. Every turn is observed to find out the communicationstrategies employed by the host and the guests in Ellen Show. Then, the reasonfor employing the communication strategies are explained by using Tarone’stypology. The writer uses descriptive researchmethod, in which the data were described systematically to get accurate andactual result. The data consist of fifty four (57) turn that are included asthe Communication Strategies employed by the host and guests in Ellen Show.From fifty four (57) turn, the writer found sixty two (62) CommunicationStrategies. Types of Communication Strategies that are employed by the host andguests belong to circumlocution 16 (26%), Appeal for Assistance 15 (24),Approximation 11 (18%), Message Abandonment 10 (16%), Word Coinage 6 (10%),Literal translation 2(3%), Language switch 1 (2%), and Topic Avoidance 1 (2%).And the reasons of them employed those strategies inasmuch as they want the communicationruns smoothly and the talk show runs attractively and entertaining. Key words: Language, Communication,Communication Strategies, Typologies of Communication Strategies, Talk Show Hellina Sarani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 An error Analysis of the use of Conditional Sentences: a case study of the sixth-semester students of Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies at Stikubank University (UNISBANK) Semarang Academic year of 2013. A thesis, English Department,Undergratuade Program of Stikubank University (UNISBANK) Semarang. Supervisor:Endang Yuliani Rahayu, S.S, M.Pd KeyWords: Conditonalsentences, Error analysis. This thesis entitles “Anerror Analysis of the use of Conditional Sentences: a case study of the sixth-semesterstudents of Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies at Stikubank University(UNISBANK) Semarang Academic year of 2013”. The purposes of this thesisare to find out the errors and dominant errors made by the students in the useof conditional centences. The data of this thesis are taken from the sixth-semesterstudents of Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies at Stikubank University(UNISBANK) Semarang Academic year of 2013 as the subjects of investigation. Thecollected data are analyzed by using quantitative analysis.To make systematic interpretation, the data are analyzed into two parts,namely: simple calculation analysis is used to find out the number of possibleerrors made by the students and it uses percentage computation. Thenqualitative analysis is also reveal the problems which have been faced by thestudents by analyzing each error made by the students in a test.Based on theanalysis, it can be found out that the students did the four errors namely:overgeneralization, ignorance of rule restriction, incomplete application ofrules, false concept hypothesis. The dominant error found in the test is falseconcept hypothesis. It is also found out that sixth-semesterstudents of Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies at Stikubank University(UNISBANK) Semarang Academic year of 2013 have good capability in usingconditional sentences. The difficulties which have been faced by them inlearning conditional sentences are: the difficulty in specify the type of conditional sentenceitself, the lack of mastery the pattern of conditional sentences type I, typeII, and type III. Helmi Sidik ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 The Codes Switched in Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef” broadcast on Trans TV February 1, 2011 Faculty of Language and CulturalStudies, Undergraduate Program of the University of Stikubank Semarang.Supervisor: Endang Yuliani R, SS, M.Pd   The Research Paper is entitled “TheCodes Switched in Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef” broadcast on Trans TVFebruary 1, 2011. The writer chooses this title because code switching is aninteresting topic to discuss and also there are a lot of Code Switching found in Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show“Ala Chef” on Trans TV. This research paper has two objectives, first, it isaimed at finding out realization of code switching in Farah Quinn’s CookingShow “Ala Chef” on Trans TV. Secondly, it is aimed at establishing the meaningof code switching that exists in Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef” on TransTV. Documentation method was used to collect data. All of code switching inFarah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef” on Trans TV were taken by recording theFarah Quinn’s Cooking Show. In analyzing the data, the writer applieddescriptive qualitative technique.  The resultshows that there are fifty five (55) types of code switching, intra-sentential(43), inter-sentential (12). Frequently, code switching is used to makecommunication more effectively (35,55%), to convey precious meaning (16,36%),to capture attention (1,82%), to ease communication (35,55%), to emphasize apoint (12,72%).  Key word : codeswitching, inter-sentential code switching, intra-sentential codeswitching. Dessy Ranitarina Stefianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 Illocutionary Acts Realized In Roald Dahl's Short Story "Man From The South". Faculty of Language and CulturalStudies, Undergraduate Program of the University of Stikubank Semarang.Supervisor: Endang Yuliani R, SS, M.Pd   TheResearch Paper is entitled “The Codes Switched in Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show“Ala Chef” broadcast on Trans TV February 1, 2011. The writer chooses thistitle because code switching is an interesting topic to discuss and also  there are a lot of Code Switching found inFarah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef” on Trans TV. This research paper has twoobjectives, first, it is aimed at finding out realization of code switching inFarah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef” on Trans TV. Secondly, it is aimed atestablishing the meaning of code switching that exists in Farah Quinn’s CookingShow “Ala Chef” on Trans TV. Documentation method was used to collect data. Allof code switching in Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef” on Trans TV weretaken by recording the Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show. In analyzing the data, thewriter applied descriptive qualitative technique.  The result shows that there are fifty five(55) types of code switching, intra-sentential (43), inter-sentential (12).Frequently, code switching is used to make communication more effectively(35,55%), to convey precious meaning (16,36%), to capture attention (1,82%), toease communication (35,55%), to emphasize a point (12,72%).  Key word : code switching, inter-sententialcode switching, intra-sentential code switching. Ari Suciningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700 THE CODE SWITCHING APPLIED IN THE CHAOS@WORK’S “MY STUPID BOSS: IMPOSSIBLE WE DO MIRACLE WE TRY AND HEAVEN IS FULL SO I COME BACK” NOVEL. A Thesis, Faculty of Language and Cultural Studies of StikubankUniversity Semarang.Supervisor: AgnesWidyaningrum,SE,S.Pd,M.PdThe thesis is entitled The CodeSwitching Applied in the Chaos@Work’s“My Stupid Boss: Impossible We Do Miracle We Try and Heaven is Full so I comeBack” Novel. The writer chose the title because code switching an interestingtopic to be discussed. Besides  there area lot of code switching found in the novel such as inter santential and intrasentential. This thesis has two objectives. First it is aimed at explaining thetypes of code switching. Second, it is aimed at explaining the functions ofcode. Documentation method was used to collect thedata. All of code switching found in My Stupid Boss: Impossible We Do MiracelWe Try and heaven is Full so I come Back were taken as the data. In finding outthe phenomena of code switching, the writer took notes from the dialogue of MyStupid Boss novel. In analyzing the data, the writer applied descriptive documentationtechnique.One hundred and one code switching werefound in selected data mostly whid cover intra sentential (53,47%) andinter-sentential (46,53%). Frequently, code switching is used to captureattention (41,58%), to ease communication (30,69%), to emphasize a point(27,73%). Key words:Code Switching, inter sentential, intrasentential Novia Wijayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 12 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0700