The Codes Selected in Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef ” broadcast on Trans TV, Oct 30,2011

  • Nenti Senja Shelvia


Keywords : code switching, types of code switching, function of code switching.


This research examines the codes selected in Farah Quinn’s Cooking Show “Ala Chef ” broadcast on Trans TV, Oct 30,2011. The data of the study were taken by recording the cooking show, which were then analyzed on the bases of code switching theory. The results show that there are one hundred and eighty seven  (187) code switching covering the external code switching (79), intra-sentential code switching (63), situational code switching (18), inter-sentential code switching (13), tag code switching (11) and internal code switching (3). Seventy nine (79) Indonesian-English code switching, three (3) Indonesian-Javanese code switching. External code switching is the highest frequency that occurs as a presenter “Ala Chef” because Farah Quinn is capable to speak in different language. The reasons which drive the participants to switch codes are : communication more effectively  (39,77%), ease communication (34,09%), Emphasize a Point (17,04%), Capture Attention(1,14 %), Convey Precious Meaning(7,96 %).
