Symbols, Codes, And Signs Applied In Kedai Digital’s Visual Advertisements In Semarang

  • Caniz Mutiara


Key Words: Symbols, codes, and signs



This thesis is about symbols, codes, and signs. The aim of this thesis is to describe the symbols, codes and signs in Kedai Digital’s visual advertisement. Furthermore, to interpret the meaning of the symbols, codes and signs in Kedai Digital’s visual advertisements.

The data of this thesis are taken from neon box and billboard in Kedai Digital In Semarang. This study focuses on semantics.

In this thesis, the writer collects the data by using observation, documentary and library research. After the data are collected, then they are analyzed using the following steps: identifying, classifying the symbols, codes, and signs applied in Kedai Digital’s visual advertisement and then interprets the cases completely based on the categories of the cases.

In Kedai Digital visual advertisement (neon box and billboard), the writer found symbols, codes, and signs. The percentage of these data are symbols (62, 8%), codes (14, 1%), signs(23, 1%).

From the analysis it can be shown that commonly Kedai Digital uses symbols in the visual advertisement.
