Semiotic Representation of Djarum 76 Advertisement ‘Jin’ version Broadcast on Television

  • Alin Arma Junia


Key Words: Semiotic, Peirce, Icon, Index, Symbol, Cigarette television Advertisements.


The thesis studies semiotic representation found in the seven Djarum 76 Advertisements ‘Jin’ version broadcast on Television. The aims of this thesis are to explain the meaning of expressions found and the cultural values which contained in the advertisements.

The author uses semiotic approaches of Charles Sander Peirce which divide sign into icon, index, and symbol. The author uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data i.e to explain the expressions found in Djarum 76 Advertisements ‘Jin’ version broadcast on television and the cultural values contained on the advertisements.

The conclusions can be drawn as follows: Each advertisement is packed in funny package to attract costumer’s attention. It is appropriate with its tagline, “the most important thing is to be happy”. The advertisement contains cultural values.

The author suggests that the advertisers that they have responsibility to create advertisements which educate people , not only to increase their income. They also have to pay attention for whom the advertisement is shown so the advertisement could not harm the viewer. The author also suggests viewers to become smart viewers.
