Clause as message realized in Sour Sally’s Advertisement published in Weekender Magazine

  • Ajeng Suci Puspitorini


Key word : Theme and rheme , mode of the discourse



An advertisement text written has a purpose  to promote a product, service, even an idea which has its own message and characteristics, these characteristics in accordance with the concept that we know as a genre, belongs to the type of exposition text, that is a text to describe an argument or put forward a point of view. Based on these reasons, the writer is interested to analyze the textual structure of every clause, based on Systemic Functional Grammar , especially clause as message The data taken from Sour Sally’s Advertisement published in weekender magazine with two research questions (1) How is theme developed in Sour Sally’s Advertisement (2) What is the mode of the discourse of Sour Sally’s Advertisement like?


The research result showed that the theme is developed in Declarative, Interrogative and Imperative. In Sour Sally’s Advertisement the writer found 3 kinds of themes, these are 21 Topical Themes ( 55,26%) , 13 Textual Themes ( 34,21%), 4 Interpersonal Themes (10,53%) and also there are 18 Unmarked topical themes (90%), 2 Marked Topical themes  ( 10%). The mode of the discourse is as follows ( 1 ) The role of language is constitutive because it represents  whole activity ( 2 ) The type of interaction is monologue because in the  text there is no dialogue interaction. ( 3 )The Medium is written because the advertisement is  recognized in orthographic system ( 4 )The Channel is Graphic because the advertisement is in  form of  text and the text taken from one of the advertisement in magazine  ( 5 ) The Rhetorical Mode in Sour Sally’s Advertisement is to persuade the readers because every advertisement has a purpose to sell their products and also to make the consumer interested to buy the products.
