The Role of Hadassah as a Woman to Save Her Nation in Tommy Tenney “ONE NIGHT WITH THE KING” as a Feminism Study

  • Chandra Kirana


Keywords : role, woman, feminism


The title of this thesis  is “The Role of Hadassah as a Woman to Save Her Nation in Tommy Tenney “ONE NIGHT WITH THE KING” as a Feminism Study”, the author wants to deliver the message that it is very interesting novel to read. The story is about Hadassah’s life who had save her nation.

The writer uses structural approach and feminism approach to analysis the story. He analyzes about character and characterization, setting, and also about the role of Hadassah as a woman to save her nation & about the theory of feminism.

Hadassah or Queen Esther was a Jewish. She saved from the slaughter that had happened to the Jews. Hadassah and her cousin, Mordechai, struggled to survive without family. Her parent died in that slaughter. She lived with the shadow of her past because she looked the slaughter with her own eyes.

Hadassah was adopted by Mordechai. Hadassah was taken by the guards of palace to be Queen instead of Vasthi. She experienced so many thing when she was in the palace. One night with the king changed everything of her life. For the climax, she has to sacrifice her life to save her nation, Jews.

The role of Hadassah as a woman to save her nation in the story is very interesting, and also become inspiration and motivation to the writer. The writer uses many resources to be references to help in analyzing this thesis.

From the discussion, the writer concludes that can be interested to analyzing this thesis and to read about Hadassah & about her patriotic. He also writes the suggestion to the reader.

