The Comparison on of the Interpersonal Meaning Between Formal and Informal Emails

  • Yulia Savitri


Key words : Comparation, Interpersonal meaning, Formal and informal emails.


This study aims to describe the types of mood to find out the differences and similarities between formal and informal emails. This research uses descriptive and comparative method. It describes formal and informal emails on the interpersonal meaning n order to find out the similarities and differences between them. The data are four formal and informal emalis. Based on the data analysis, it could be concluded that the similarities are both formal and informal emails have mood and residue on the clauses, they give information to the receivers or readers, the mood adjuncts are rarely found on the texts and they are presented in written text. The differences are the formal emails usually use the command as speech function while the informal emails use the request or question to offer information. Based on the conclusion, it is suggested that the readers know the content or specific quality of sentences on email. Then for the other researchers, in analyzing the interpersonal meaning, they should be able to differentiate between the mood types on the clauses
