The Sacrifice for Love of Isabella Swan in Breakig Dawn Novel as Intrinsic Element and as Reader-Response Criticism Analysis.

  • Nur Maryahma Purba Boru


Key Words: Sacrifice, Mother, Isabella Swan, Reader-Response



The thesis is entitled ‘The Sacrifice for Love of Isabella Swan in Breaking Dawn Novel as Intrinsic Element and as Reader-Response Critism Analysis, which is aimed at  showing and explaining the sacrifice of Bella which has sacrificed her life for her child and her family.


The writer uses Intrinsic Element and the Reader-Response Citicism Analysis as the theory in analyzing the data. The writer tried to describe intrinsic elements contained in Breaking Dawn novel. The writer also tried to compare Bella’s sacrifices with the same story in reality.


.In the thesis the writer learned that Isabella Swan is a good character, and good mother. She could be the right person for teenage girls to look up to. She has inner beauty, humble, smart, brave, and she always strict to her principle no matter what everybody around her say. She is willing to sacrifice her own life to make sure that her child will still alive. Here, the writer wanted to know why Bella willing to sacrifice her own life and being a vampire.


Thus, in this thesis the writer concludes that all done by Bella is a pure sacrifice, which is given by a mother. The most unconditional love in this world is love from our mother. She is willing to take the risk of death and loose her life for us. Mothers are the best gift that has given to us by God.