Communication Strategies Employed by The Host and The Guests in The Ellen Show Broadcast on May 15th, 2013

  • Hellina Sarani


A Research Paper, English Department,Undergraduate Program of Stikubank University Semarang.  Supervisors: Agnes Widyaningrum, SE, S.Pd,M.Pd The research attempts to analyzedCommunication Strategies Employed by The host and The Guests in The Ellen ShowBroadcast on May 15th, 2013.  The firstis to explain the types of Communication Strategies that employed by the hostand guest in The Ellen Show and second the reasons of the host and guest in TheEllen show employ The Communication Strategies in the talk show. A communicationis one of the important aspects needed to build relationship with human.Communication Strategies is the way to help the people to communicate smoothlyand clearly. In this research, the data are in form of spoken text which inrealized in written text that is an interview script. The unit of analysis ofthis study is turn. Every turn is observed to find out the communicationstrategies employed by the host and the guests in Ellen Show. Then, the reasonfor employing the communication strategies are explained by using Tarone’stypology. The writer uses descriptive researchmethod, in which the data were described systematically to get accurate andactual result. The data consist of fifty four (57) turn that are included asthe Communication Strategies employed by the host and guests in Ellen Show.From fifty four (57) turn, the writer found sixty two (62) CommunicationStrategies. Types of Communication Strategies that are employed by the host andguests belong to circumlocution 16 (26%), Appeal for Assistance 15 (24),Approximation 11 (18%), Message Abandonment 10 (16%), Word Coinage 6 (10%),Literal translation 2(3%), Language switch 1 (2%), and Topic Avoidance 1 (2%).And the reasons of them employed those strategies inasmuch as they want the communicationruns smoothly and the talk show runs attractively and entertaining. Key words: Language, Communication,Communication Strategies, Typologies of Communication Strategies, Talk Show

Author Biography

Hellina Sarani