Robinson’s Struggle of Life Changes of Robinson Crusoe Personality as Reflected in Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe

  • Rizky Rosita


AThesis, English Department, Undergraduate Program of Stikubank. The consultant: Yulistiyanti, S.S, M.HumThis thesis is done by finding theanswers of the writer’s questions about a novel, ‘Robinson Crusoe’ by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoepersonality, who gets a lot of experiences and he can also change his way ofthinking. Then why the struggle of life changes the personality, the writerwants to know more about the character of Robinson Crusoe when he is in theisolated island. The objectives of the study are to find out the character ofRobinson Crusoe, which is the main character in Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe,the setting, and the struggle of life of Robinson Crusoe. In this study,there are structural and psychological approaches as the methods used inanalyzing the novel. The writer also uses qualitative study to do the research.            The result of the analysis revealsthat the main character has many changes in his characters after he is strandedon a desert island. He becomes a good person. He has good behavior andpersonality. Since he lives on this island and he has to solve some problem, hebecomes patient, a hard worker, and a religious person. This island has changedhim to be better.

Author Biography

Rizky Rosita