Women and the Concept of Beauty found in English Faiirly Tales: Chinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid

  • Yuni Rachmi


Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis.Stikubank University. Supervised by Dr. Sugeng Purwanto, MAKey Words: beauty, characteristics,personalityThis thesis examined 'Women and theConcept of Beauty found in English Fairly Tales: Chinderella, Beauty and theBeast, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid' in order to understandthe characteristics of women, and their concept of beauty refelected inEnglishifairy tales. The study is complex in nature since the writer combinedlinguistic, literary, psychological and social approaches. It is both lingisticand literary investigation in that English fairly tales: Chinderella, Beautyand the Beast, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid were in terms oftexts as reading materials which are firrther analyzed to find out the conceptof women and beauty refelcted in the tales. Therefore, the writer adopted thelinguistic format of thesis writing. So is it both psychological and social.The writer in viewing women and the concept of beauty used severalpsychological arid social tenninologies related to the texts. Research findingsshow that concept of beauty is changing over time and different in everyculture. It is something difficult to attain in certain ways because it makeswomen unconfident to themselves and do anything to fulfill it although it hurtsthernselves. This concept makes women think that there is always somethingwrong with their body. That gives a'reason for women to do unhealthy way tochange their body and appearances. Furthermore, beautiful people tend to makepeople who do not feel as beautiful as they are envious and jealous. Thisjealousy can lead into something cruel and action to get rid of the beautifulones. However, beautiful persons also make it easier to win a man's hearts.English fairytales also gives figures of beautiful women. They are young, goodlooking having long blonde or very black hair, blue eyes, red cheeks, fairskin, long legs, tiny feet. The glamour life such as wearing immaculate attireand gloomy accessories and having a good ride are also included in it. Finally,people think that women without physical beauty are nothing. Nwertheless, innerbeauty is more important than the outer one. It is therefore suggested to keepbeauty as it is without harming anything.

Author Biography

Yuni Rachmi