The Codes Switched in the Conversation “A very manglish” by klikli_disney and retro_zone87

  • Sherly Caterina Rachman


Faculty of Language and CulturalStudies, Undergraduate Program of the University of Stikubank Semarang.Supervisor: Katharina Rustipa, Dr., DRA, M.PD The research paper is entitledthe Codes Switched in the Conversation “A very  manglish” by klikli_disney and retro_zone87. The writer chose this titlebecause code switching is an interesting topic to discuss and also there are alot of code switchings found in the conversation. This thesis has twoobjectives. First, it is aimed at finding out the types of code switching inthe conversation “A very manglish”. Second, it is aimed at explaining thefunction of code switching which is indicated in the conversation “A verymanglish”.Documentation method was used to collectthe data. All of code switchings in the conversation “A very   manglish” by klikli_disney and retro_zone87were taken to be the data of the research. In finding out the phenomena of codeswitching, the writer took notes the conversation “A very manglish” byklikli_disney and retro_zone87. In analyzing the data, the writer applieddescriptive qualitative technique.The research results reveal that seventyfive code switchings were found in the selected data. The types of codeswitching mostly found are intra- sentential code switching (85%), emblematiccode switching (15%), and inter- sentential code- switching (-). Frequently,code switching is used to identify a particular group (51%), to easecommunication (24%), to communicate more effectively (22.5%), and to reiteratea point (2.5%).Key words: Code switching,inter-sentential, intra-sentential, and tag switching.

Author Biography

Sherly Caterina Rachman